Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Gratitudes 12

Greetings and Holykisses,

I'm giving thanks tonight and want to share a few blessings. Although it's still Wednesday; I think I'll go ahead and post early. --

  • I'm thankful to be one of God's women-
  • And thankful my husband and son's are 3 of His men!
  • I'm thankful for each and every one of you who journey along with me here at the potting shed! (-I lift you all in my prayers today!)
  • I'm thankful the Word of God is alive! It truly is!!!
Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

  • -For life lessons this week- some were even a little hard to swallow! Things like: Loving God's way which is way higher than Lea's way-, forgiveness, discernment of someone I shouldn't trust, to guard my heart, conviction of times I'm a greedygirl, - for growing old gracefully, becoming a little bolder, sharing my abundance, ...and not giving up when I felt like just quitting and saying, " To heck with it!!!!!!!!!!" (I felt discouraged, but God said: "Keep going, you can do it in Me!"
  • - For a good word from my Aloha Sisterchick about being simple and the way it's continued on all week!!
  • -for reminder to quit comparing myself to others and that we're all created for purpose.
  • - For the Lord's prayer that teaches me how to pray: to my "Father," and for His will- not mine.
  • -For the timeliness of the Brave bible study with a galpal. Help us be Your brave women Lord!
  • -For one very noisy red tailed hawk...
  • -and a toad I've grown rather fond of.
  • -For memories! The good, bad and today I'll go so far to say even some of the ugly. Not all, ... but some!
  • -Contentment and joy.
  • -Modern medicine.
  • -For a miracle I'm believing will still happen!!!!!!!
  • -For our Pastor who preaches the Word.
  • -and for my Strongheart who took a stand this week; speaking the truth in love.
    -For all these things, and so much more... Thank you Lord!
John 21:25
And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen.

Holykisses everyone!
You're loved


Trace4J said...

Oh Sister
I truly belive we are. I posted about feeling ugly today and wow so did you....
Amzing to me..even when I feel plain old mean and ugly. He still fills me with HIS LOVE.
And wakes me up quickly to shake it off.
Seeking JOY but I am a real stumbling girl..
Thankful for His love and forgiveness and a SISTER who helps encourage me.

I posted my room redo today..stop by and see my new color..I just love me some color :)

Rebecca said...

Wow, Lea! Those are some "BIGGIES"! I love the way you expressed what you're learning/experiencing. I pray for God's continual blessings on your life, my friend.

Unknown said...

I can relate to so many here, we just can't forget to stroll along this path and not race! Hugs!!

Sherry said...

God-filled gratitude. Love it! xo

Joy said...

Awesome! Inspiring and encouraging to see how God is working in your life. I should be taking notes also! Just 'Followed' you on Twitter (I'm a newbie!)

Sunnyside Up said...

Blessing come in all shapes and sizes...the good and the not so good sometimes but if we look hard enough...we will see God has His hand in it all!! Love your blessings Lea....BUT we need to talk about this TOAD you've fallin in LOVE with!! :)

Love ya sisterfriend...keep counting....Char

Cora from Hidden Riches said...

I love that verse at the end of your post here! John just had a way of leaving us hanging on the edge of a cliff there, didn't he? Sometimes we think that the only thing Christ ever did or said are the little tidbits we read in the Gospels. To think that all the books in the world couldn't hold it all. . . .!!!!!! Amazing!
Loved your list, too, Lea. I fit into so many of those places with you!!!!