So here we are back to the "heart thing."
This is where the Lord had me this morning; ...the book of James.
Everywhere I turn it's all about "heart."
I can still hear the wise, olde preacher asking,
"What's the condition of your spiritual heart?"
Now, today, I was directed to "establish" my heart.
The KJV of this verse is: "Be ye also patient ; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh . "
Looking in the Concordance I found that the word "stablish" came from the original word: sthrivzw. The tranliterated word is: Sterizo.
And the definition is
- to make stable, place firmly, set fast, fix
- to strengthen, make firm
- to render constant, confirm, one's mind
Patience is the anointed word my AngelMother gave me not long before she went to heaven.
She said, "Learn Patience."
And here, our heavenly Father tells us to be patient.
Be patient and establish your heart!
For the coming of the Lord is at hand!!!
We too have been in James for over a week. Patience is one thing I did not learn till the lord allowed some difficulty to enter my life that lasted for 3 years. YOU will sure learn that and then some when the lord is trying to talk to you. Just when you think you got it, he may think you need a bit more teaching.
God bless you and keep you safe.
You have the kindest heart and sweetest spirit, it's a honor to know you, my friend!
Patience is not always one of my better qualities. I guess I need to work on that.
Our ladies Bible study just finished a 1 year study in James! Today, right now...I'm still working on paitience! I've been on hold (a very important call) for 45 minutes!!!!!!! Oh boy...
hugs, Heidi
I LOVE this Scripture picture, Lea...very beautiful. Oh, patience...so needed yet, I don't always want to pray for that, because I KNOW God will test/grow me in that area. Yet, I also know that He won't give me anything I can't handle :) :) Good word today, Lea ;) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :) :)
I prayed for patience many years ago.. Had I known how HE would bring patience into my life, I am not sure I would have prayed that...... BUT I have learned that HIS timing is perfect and mine is off the clock.... I am thankful today that I prayed that prayer, the lessons have saved my life......
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