Random blessings this glorious day...
*The first one that comes to my mind is little Tristen. He is doing fabulous!
I talked to his great Auntie today and she said he is just doing soooo well! Let's continue to keep him in our prayers. --I got to see a couple photos of him in the hospital and they put such a lump in my throat. I'm sure it's very difficult but ..ohhhh... he looks really good! Thank you Lord!!!
*This profusion of black-eyed Susies outside my craft room window. To say they have multiplied is an understatement! They're so cheerful, and it's sheer amazing to glance out the window and see them while daydreaming. ;)
*Laughter with Sisterchicks. I had so much fun just hanging out with two ladies from our small group bible study this week. I'm so thankful for their godly, friendship.
*Going out for Chinese food with Myguy and my Strongheart.
*White roses given to me from our youngest son's girlfriend. How sweet is that?!
*Discovering tadpoles in our stocktank! (I love toads n frogs)
*Lil Banty roosters finding their cockadoodle-dOooOooOos!
*Beautiful tassling sweetcorn
*The stopping of conversation with someone driving down the interstate so we could both appreciate the Sea of Queen Anne's Lace dancing in the wind of the traffic. It was such a cool moment to share with someone.

Normally this wouldn't be a blessing to me, but Ole Hairdoo has taken over our goldfish pond once again. Either Hairspray got ate, or she's gonna waddle up with a passel of youngins one of these days. Either way; she went MIA leaving Hairdoo to fend for himself. Must admit; having him up around the house quacking his head off ... makes me happy. I'm definitely counting him as a sweet blessing.
*Red raspberries right off the vine for breakfast, or lunch, and many in between snacks.
*More Zuke bread. Two fresh loaves this afternoon.
*Red, flannel snowflake sheets to crawl between in our very air conditioned house.
*The discovery of the hollyhocks going to seed from the Singing Woods. Lots and lots of beautiful hollyhock seeds to save for next year!
* Having a Pastor who preaches the Word and shares insights in ways I can understand.

Thanks for coming along with me and allowing me to share a few cool things God's blessed me with this week.
John 21:25
Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.
Holykisses xoxo
ps. I finally got some new pictures up under the soul journal tab.
I tell ya, I just wanted to stay here and read it again...... I saw the black-eyed Susies and heard the peeps of the baby birds in the mail box...... I watched the tadpoles as they swam around in the stock tank and listened as you laughed and talked with sister chicks........
I have so missed blogging and I am going to leave FB for much of the time.. Maybe go there for a few thoughts but I love love love blogging and you are one of the reasons.........
Beautiful post girl..... I am so glad I stopped by.........
Hi Lea,
Loved reading your "Gratitudes"
You have taken some pretty awesome photos. Also, your blogger header pic.s are soooooo pretty!!!
Hugs to you,
Lovely post. Felt like I was there on some.And your sweet duck is sooo cool. She has better hair than mine :)
I started a new journal this week.
I'm calling it my JOY JOURNAL.
Have a wonderful day friend.
You grow girl, Trace
Thank you for sharing your days with us, it's so cozy here, like being a neighbor who pops in for coffee and a garden walk! Wish I was your neighbor, but we are in cyberspace! I can really relate to having a Pastor that I can understand! Hugs sweet friend!!
Keep those good things comin', my friend! Heading up to Soul Journal now...have a sweet weekend.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures and the life of my friend - you.
I am so grateful for YOU!!!!
Love Love Love the new look of your blog. So soft and feminine. The other day I heard a person say "like living a life of country pleasures", and I thought of you and your world of sweet country pleasures. Thanks for sharing Lea
Love you bunches Paula
Oh WOW LEA the banner- the post -the whole blog is just looking FAB my dear friend (:)
I'm so late in getting here! Sorry about that, but my computer has been acting up. LOVE that mailbox with the babies in there!!! I'm afraid I would have to have a chair posted nearby to protect them. I'm just a mother hen when it comes to those itty, bitty thingamabobs. So much peace here, Lea. I just go away feeling hugged in peace!
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