Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Gratitudes 2

A few random blessings this week:

1. To know Jesus as my Lord and Savior and to be "growing" in Him.
2. The living word of God... -- I love it so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. Hearing my Shepherds voice inside my heart.
4. Sisterchicks... having galpals that love God with all their hearts and who encourage me to
seek Him with my everything. They're the kind of friend I want to be.
5. Having two mentors who instruct and cheer me on.
6. Feeling sudden temperature changes while on the motorcycle over hills and valleys.
7. Pickin peas for breakfast. Standing out in the garden and dining on sweet peapods while watering makes me oh so happy.
8. Homemade soap gifted from Kelley. Sudsy, earthy, oakey,sweetness!
9. Gardener woman calling to make sure I made it home safely.
10. A friend who's adopted me as: her second daughter. (I love my Merry Bema)
11. 100 calorie pack Lorna Doone shortbread cookie crisps. (happy sigh)
12. The cutest lady in the nursin home who has the best hugs. What a heart for God she has!
13. Learning from a missed opportunity.
14. Fireflies.... lots and lots of fireflies.
15. The croakin bullfrog chorus on Dragonfly Pond.
16. 3 pembroke welsh corgis laying at my feet. 1 is our Grand dog.
17. Finding a new summer bible study with the Sisterchicks and looking forward to a spiritual makeover!
18. The mailbox full of bluebirds.
19. Blackeyed Susies poppin up in the middle of our yard.
20. Potatoes lifting the soil until it cracks wide open....
21. Discovering more and more rocks of remembrance.
22. A special Sisterchick who goes out of her way to do my dishes every bible study night!

Thank you Lord for providing such a wonderful time with my husband this week. You give me so many gifts I could not begin to count them all. But they all come from you.
Thank You for revealing Yourself to me through your creation. -- The mountains.. the forest, and the hawks soaring on the wind. For the colorful wildflowers of queen Ann's lace, Coreopsis, and Blackeyed susans decorating our path, and the sweet scent of honeysuckle. For the strong current in the river, and the sky glittered with stars; I thank you. Thank you for great love and friendships in my life.
Help me to see through Your eyes, and love as You love.


Rebecca said...

Your "Gratitude Cup" IS running over! What a good time you've had, Lea. I'm thankful FOR you and WITH you.

You Grow Girl!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

You sure were opening your heart and showing us how truly thankful you are for the little things. ITs those that meany so much and seem to fall by the roadside as we struggle with life. GOD is in all things and like you, he is in the little things as well.

You are blessed...
God keep you and yours safe.

Unknown said...

I second everything Rebecca said, she's right on!! You are such a treasure and a blessing my sweet friend!

Cora from Hidden Riches said...

Lea, your list was so beautiful this morning. If I could do one thing, it would be to meet you early in the morning and go through your garden and share that time with you. I'd love to peek into that mailbox full of bluebirds!!!!!

Stones of remembrance. I have a box of 12. I picked them up here and there over 30 years ago during a time when I was struggling so hard to find answers and crying out to God to change me. He seemed to speak in different places in different ways. I picked up a stone of remembrance from each of those places. I wish I had continued that throughout my life.

To see through His eyes. I will make that my prayer today, too!

Debra said...

I just loved reading your list. I want you to know although I don't comment very often, I think of you and love you very much. You are a person I want to be like.

Love, Debra