Saturday, May 21, 2011

Special Prayer Request

I have a very special request to all of you prayer warriors out there.
This little fellas name is Tristen and he is two years old. He and his Mommy and Daddy are in Atlanta, Georgia and Tristen is waiting for a heart transplant. Please pray for this very special little boy and family. I'll keep you posted as more develops. I know your prayers will mean so very much.


englishteacup said...

I will be pray for this family.

Artful Gathering said...

Will keep them in prayer!

Trace4J said...

Lifting up Precious Tristan!! May God bless him from top of his head to the bottom of his toes.
Granny Trace

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Will remember him and his family in my prayers. God bless you for letting us know of this need.

PCovi said...

little doll. i sure will!
do you know the family?

Leaon Mary said...

I know his Grandma and great aunt. It's one of my bestest friends- sisters, daughters son. Did you get that? lol So I personally know the little boys grandma and Gramas sister. Its a hard thing isn't it? The doctors are having them stay there until they find a heart. Please put them on your churchs' prayer list.

Paula said...

Thank you Lord Jesus for your Hand on this boy's life. May you bring peace and healing to Tristan, and his ohana/family.
Will let my prayer chain know about Tristan. Thank you Lea for allowing us the honor of lifting him up to our mighty loving King.

Denise said...

I will be lifting this dear one up in my prayers sweet sis, love you.

From the Heart said...

Will add Tristan to my prayer list.

Yolanda said...

Lea, I'm going to pray for him right now!!!

Mecky said...

I will be keeping Tristen in my prayers. I have had heart surgery and it is something that I wouldn't wish on anyone. I can't imagine what his mother is going through. I will pray for her also.


Heidi said...

Yes, I have and will!!!

Attic Clutter said...

Oh so sad- will pray for this little angel..Tristan~
You asked-all is good at my place(:) thanks~
lime green hydrangea I planted new is still alive blooms yet ..can't wait..
the kids and grand babes are all doing fine....
hope yours are too..
YES YES we would have fun shopping G-sales or Ross.. I love going to poke around there(tomorrow) Big hugs..Love your banner too ~Patty

Irma's Rose Cottage said...

Will be praying for Tristan and his family.

Irma :)

Anonymous said...

He is in our prayers. Precious little boy, love and prayers.