Good morning!
If you're reading this today, you're probably noticing some changes here at the Shed.
I've been under construction, and have been encountering a few blogger obstacles. Please bear with me until things fall into place.
It's been harder for me to blog these days. --Yet that said; my handwritten journals are filling with every passing day. That's why I'm experimenting with cursive fonts here at the Shed. If it's blurry for you, I'm so sorry. I'm still trying to figure out if this is going to work or not, but I've come to a conclusion. Part of why I'm struggling blogging, comes from my own critical finger pointing. Yep, you heard right. Sharing my collected thoughts here,... I tend to shift from one thought to another so fast sometimes that I can barely keep up with myself. When I go back and reread I think, "Good Lord woman... look how you jumped all over like that, and then I point my bony finger and shame myself. The rules of writing and I just don't jive. But the funny thing is, when I go back and reread my "handwritten" journals I'm always so thankful that I took the time to record what was happening on my journey. There; I'm free to throw all the rules out the window and just write and doodle my heart out. I like that. So that's my goal here as well. I thought that if I could "see it" like handwriting; even if for awhile; then maybe I could train myself to .... just write.
I've heard from other bloggers who say they sometimes get caught up in numbers. The numbers of how many people comment, "follow", and visit. It becomes competition with many. I'm trying not to look at numbers either and just look "Up." If you're here; it's my belief that God crossed our paths for some purpose.
So from now on; I hope things will be a little different.
If you read my journal here at the potting shed, you must know:
I am not a "devotional writer."
And I am not a great speaker.
I so don't have it all together.
Not only don't I have all thee answers about things; ... I might not have most of them!
I have questions... lots and lots of them.
What I can tell you is:
.............What I do have: and that is love for my Savior Jesus Christ. He has changed me and is refining me a little every day. I don't want to ever go back to who I used to be, and I am excited to become everything He has for me.
...I want to know Him more! And so; this is my journey.
I love and am happily married to my husband and I'm a happy homemaker! I don't have a fancy career but I take seriously the work God has for me to do.
I'm not educated beyond a GED. But God's teaching me and growing me every day, and I want to learn!
I'm a Mother and so very blessed with two grown sons who I adore and pray for. I hope for daughters in loves and grandchildren someday!
My husband and I live in a cozy and crooked old farmhouse, where nothing is very fancy but great love abounds.
I don't want to live comparing myself to others anymore.
And I don't want to worry myself over what other people think of me. What I do care about with all my heart is whether God is pleased with me. I want to be Loving Him, growing in Him, faithfully serving Him, reflecting Him, and pointing others to Him. I want to learn to really love other people. Even my enemies.
I know God wants us to be real with Him and each other.
It grows relationship.
So I pray we grow together!
May we walk in faith, grow in Christ, and glorify our Father in heaven!
Onto sharing a few random blessings:
1: Bluebirds. Lots and lots of bluebirds. Bluebirds on the clothesline, nesting in Momma's mailbox, and bluebirds on the barwire fences. Blue birds in the pine tree, bluebirds on the power line. They've been showering their happiness everywhere!
2: The flowery welcome mat pictured above. Funny; the simple things that bring a smile to my face.
3: A book gifted from a friend. I already read it and learned so much. I learned that there is a whole world out there that I tend to forget about with people who are hurting. I learned to pray for them, and realized how I take my life so for granted. I was reminded from it to search scripture for myself and in doing so God reminded me that He is the same always no matter where we are.
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:84: Lea jogged! This was such a surprise yesterday but while on my daily walk, short legs began to run! Ya know; I had convinced myself that I'm unable to run anymore. But I ran... for awhile... uphill even! I'm still in shock!... -- don't worry, not literally. Whoda thought it would be one of my random blessings?! I don't know if I'll start doing this every day ... but after yesterday I realized I could if I wanted to! (Nope, I didn't even wet my pants.) lol I can no longer say I have a weak bladder and it would prevent me from becoming a jogger.
My 5th blessing is lil Emma Rose here.
This stray cat that turned up a few months ago, has stolen my heart.
She's always underfoot, ... and has nearly broke my neck tripping me around the garden. She rubs up against my leg and purrs me so happy! Oh but there's something that needs clarified. While rubbing her tummy, I discovered I misnamed her. I really need stronger glasses yall because Emma Rose is Mr. Emmet Ross. Sorry sweet kitty! But I love him just the same.
Time to go feed chicks
God bless you and lift you today.
May He strengthen you, grow you, and reveal Himself to you. I pray you have the heart and ears to hear Him.
Be encouraged!!
I like the handwriting. It's like getting a letter. You write very well no matter how you do it. It always blesses me, so don't put yourself down. You have blessed more people with your writings than you will ever know so keep up the good work.
Love you, AE
I have not been able to figure out the trick of adding a special font!
Kudos! I have toyed with the thought of jogging too :)
I came today to show you a craft I stumbled on:
Sweet & honest thoughts here, my friend! I'm "with" you.
Continue to have fun with your blog. I think the creative part of blogging is a BIG part of the process for me - not to mention the intellectual stimulation and inspirational link it provides for me...
By the way, I have a granddaughter named "Emma Rose" so am kind of glad yours turned out to be an Emmett :)
1. The font is NOT fuzzy or light or blurry for me. I love it!
2. I have always thought that you write beautifully. It flows. Like my own thoughts flow. Maybe that is scattered, jumping from one thing to another, but that's how I, for one, think! And I guess I missed it somewhere, but I didn't know that blogs came with writing rules. Girl, this is a place for YOUR heart and what the Lord places on YOUR soul to write here. There are no prizes for best story teller, best devotional, or best grammar. Most of the time, I don't even edit. I type and hit the publish button and whatever I did, that's what you get.
3. I've NEVER gone away from the potting shed without being blessed. NEVER! In fact, I'm always excited when my sidebar shows that you have a new post up. I RUN to the Potting Shed!
I so envy you and your journaling. I sit with a pen and try. . . and try. . .and try. The best I've been able to do is my gratitude list. Not everything in your journal may be appropriate for your blog. We all understand that. Most stuff is between you, your heart, and the Lord. But don't you EVER think that the success or failure of your blog depends on the number of comments you get!!!! I think we've all become addicted to that comment box. Encouragement is great and the meeting of new friends is wonderful, but when we start measuring our spiritual life by comment numbers, we need to make some adjustments!!!!!
Love you, Lea. Love your honesty and openness. And I LOVE the new look of the blog!
Lovely post! I know our path crossed for a reason and now I think we came from the same pod! lol Your blog looks great and the new font is just perfect!!
Wow..I like it alot. I hope others can see His love in me..They way I hear His love in your words!
Really like the font too.
Off to look for some bluebirds!
Hugs Granny Trace
Loved the changes, but especially the changes God is doing with-in us. Lord, don't ever stop!
Hi Friend,
I needed an escape from the real world, so here I am in blog world :o)
You wrote:
"I want to learn to really love other people. Even my enemies. "
Lea, I'm right there with you. The Lord has lead me to examine myself, and the "Loving others is like a roller coaster. Just when I think I am growing in this area, I get put to the test, and fail miserably.
Here is a quote from Oswald devotional, that is helping me;
""Don not worry about being of use to others; simply believe on Me." In other words, pay attention to the Source, and out of you "will flow rivers of living water" (John 7:38) ~Oswald, My Utmost For His Highest 5/18
Now onto a new topic; Your blog design is Outstanding!! I love your photographs on your header design and all the others on your blog.
Great post!!!!!
God bless you friend,
Oh...Lea, Lea, Lea..My sweet friend! This was such a beautiful post and it just touched my heart so much! God has gifted you with so many good things and your life has touched mine in such a deep way! You will never know how many times you have been my encourager, my biggest cheerleader, prayer partner & friend! I LOVE how you write and its NEVER wrong! You have such a way of making us all feel so Welcome to come on over and sit a spell on your porch! Never compare yourself with anyone other than LEA because NOONE DOES LEA LIKE LEA DOES LEA!! NOONE!!! He made you perfect JUST the way you are! I love you to pieces..dear friend! Always have and Always will!! have to agree...the handwriting font IS just like getting a letter...I like that! ;) Char
Everything you said in this blog spoke directly to me! I was also writing a blog (not near as followed as yours), and I kept trying to get the "numbers" too. Every craft I made, everything my 4 year old daughter did, I felt I needed to capture and write about. I felt the need to show people what I was doing, what I was worth.
Then one day I realized, I do not need to prove myself to anyone. The Lord sees what I am doing, how I am parenting and loving my life, and that is all that matters. My feelings we strong enough that I had my blog printed into a book, so as not to lost the precious memories I had written about for so long, and then I took it off line, no longer pressured!
I know how you feel about having random thoughts, but I do so enjoy reading your blog, your scripture quotes, and things about your beautiful farmhouse! God Bless!
Aloha Dear Heart!
Way to go My Friend on the Blog changes. Really like them alot! I so appreciate you and all your many many talents :-) And am so happy our Lord has brought us together through your blog. In case you dont already know this, your heart has been my encourager, strength when I did not have enough myself, you support by keeping our eyes looking to Jesus, and you have a faithful heart of a friend. Your kindness has not only healed a broken area for me, it has given me hope. Let's just say I am a big Lea fan!!! I agree with you, it's not about the numbers, it's about Jesus, and the relationships he brings into our lives, and how we can serve him. You are serving Jesus in a BEEG way (thats how we say it here on Kauai BEEG BEEG way!)
Love you bunches Dear Heart!!!!
Aloha! paula
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