Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Day At The Shed


Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. Psalm 90:14

Good morning everyone! It is a good morning isn't it?!!
Our Pastor asked us last Sunday if our cup is half empty or half full? Later in the day I asked Myguy if "his" cup was half empty or half full, and he answered, "half full." Then he asked me what mine is? Now I'm asking you... is your cup half empty or half full? If it's half empty, I hope you ask the Lord to fill you today.

Here are a few photos yesterday of my everyday.

I snipped lots of little flowers and leaves from my garden and filled this little flower press.
I'm drying verbena, wall flowers, pincushion flowers, bachelor buttons, and Rosemary.

Thee other night, I found another press on Ebay and can't wait to get it. Ran out of pages in the one above pretty quickly. I'm anxious to dry roses, and morning glories for the garden journal I've been keeping.
Here's Francoise; who actually tuckered out after playing frisbee with me.
I wish he knew how to throw it back, because I totally love playing frisbee; but unfortunately, he's the only one around here who shares my passion. LOL
When I walked into the potting shed; this little butterfly was resting on the olde possum belly cupboard. I tried to get a closeup but she fluttered out the doorway.

And here are the peonies I transplanted from Mommas home-place. They all bloomed so beautifully, and are now on their way out. I remember praying they'd not die when I moved them at the wrong time of year, and replanted them in their new flowerbed. -- They're staked with the word Believe.

I wore my Ipod while working in the garden yesterday and listened to the book of Mark; downloaded from Itunes. I heard the word believe over and over! If only we will believe! "Jesus said unto him, "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." Mark 9:23 Did ya catch that part... all things!!! That surely means peonies too.
Last year, our roses started looking pretty shabby. I sprayed them with a 3 in one pesticide fungicide junk and it helped alot but they still struggled. The leaves got spotty and the poor things had a hard time.

So this early Spring, I got out the pruning shears and grit my teeth. I really had no idea what I was doing other than believing the principle truth. "He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful." John 15:2

Happily, every rose bush is now healthy and blooming profusely! Janie from Dixon, if you're reading this; the ones pictured above are from you when my Angel Mother went to heaven!! The white ones are so fragrant! The "mother" pink one is just fixin to bloom, but the rose of sharon planted to the side of it keeps it a little too shaded I think. But it has a bud, and is the most gorgeous pink color ever!
This photo is our back steps.
Yep. Nice aren't they? Well... they work, and have worked for... years and years now. We have a plan that when we can afford it... we'll build a wrap around porch. (Hubs is hoping this summer!) These blocks are outside a set of french doors that face the garden and shabby olde potting shed.

Every day, I carry my basket-fuls of laundry out these doors and jump off the top block to make my way to the clothesline. I always worry that a snake could be in the blocks so I make sure I push off pretty hard. lol --2 days? ago, as I walked back to these blocks; that is exactly what I found. I ran back to the potting shed and grabbed my weapon of choice: my hoe! And we'll just leave the rest of the story ... at that.*

My cup is so half full when I use my country clothes dryer. It's not a chore at all... - rather sheer joy. 700 thread count sheets hung on the clothesline makes me giddy; in which case my cup overflows. These are the only luxurious sheets we own and were a total splurge a long time ago. Usually sheets thin, and fade over time... not these! They just get softer.
This is laundry girl. I really think she'd help me hang clothes on the line if she only could. Instead, she goes where I go and is my loyal, faithful friend.
I believe blackberry cobbler is in our future. Never have we had so many blooms.
The baby berries are coming on strong.
The ivy growing on the back of the potting shed has become home to many birds. Nests are built all over in it. And literally the potting shed sings. Babies have hatched and I'm having quite a time keeping Merry Pearl away. She hears them, and has started laying right under the blackberries watching the ivy. When the babies start leaving home, we may have a problem.
Yesterday, I made my first jug of the year of Sun tea.
Trent hollered at me in the afternoon with: "Momma when is that tea gonna be done?" :)
He got the first glass. We have no secret recipe. Just tea bags in a jar and brewed on the hood of an olde Chevy. I seriously think it does taste better on the Chevy though. Fords... not as good. (sorry honey.)

Yall have a beautiful day.
I hope your glass of sweet tea is half full.
Holykisses xoxo


Kristi said...

The peonies are beautiful! And a snake??? You know how I feel about those. Have a beautiful weekend!

Denise said...

My glass is half full, and getting fuller. I love you sis, and I love sun tea.

Unknown said...

Lea, I just adore that first photo, may I steal it as a screensaver? Your post reminds me of summer and boy, does it feel like it today, so humid as the rain nears....Have a blessed Mother's Day dear friend! xox

Leaon Mary said...

Sue absolutely you can copy the photo... with all my heart.

Tallulah's Antique Closet said...

I wish I could grow peonies out here in Ca. But since I cant grow them I buy the David Austin rose Mary Rose which is shaped like the peonies. I also like the garden shed. Real nice! Thanks for sharing...

Unknown said...

Good Morning Lea, Peonies are my favorite and I am so glad yours bloomed. I have the same cultivar, do you know what it is? Snakes, why do they cause us so much fear? Haven't seen my first yet but I am watching out. Is your dog a corgie mix, I want my next dog to be a small one and the faithfulness, by your side dog is what I want. Happy Mother's Day! Blessings Meg

Sit A Spell said...

Love this post, but I'm a gardener *grin*

Didn't love that a snake was in those blocks. We used blocks like that when I was a kid and I was always worried bout those sneaky critter being in there!

I am sooo glad your peonies made it! They look amazing girl! God is good and I prayed they would make it and did BELIEVE they would. Thank you Lord for small blessings that are huge.

I also love your gardening sweet. That flower press is cool's full?!

My glass always fills to the rim when I visit your blog. Thanks for being God's tool in doing that.

Happy Mama's day darlin!