Won't you come into my garden? I want my roses to meet you!
This is an old picture, but it fit in well for my today. My friend Heidi, of Everyday Cookies made the sign and blessed me with it a couple years ago when we first met blogging!
I've been busy as a bee the past few days in my garden and can hardly wait til it's lush like the photo above.
And Urina Mariah can't wait to be keeper of the potting shed again.
I promised her I'd drag her out there soon. lol
Merry Pearl has become my 3rd shadow. And she loves flowers!!
She loves to stop whatever she's doing and smell them.
It's pretty much all she does these days... walk around and smell flowers. Well; that and get under my feet.
I'm thankful for a fresh slate today.
And don't worry; Yes... I threw the flowers out too. haha
My new word for....a fresh start is found in : Luke 10:27
(It's also written on my chalkboard now. ) ~
At the women's conference, an encourager reminded me to put my name into the Word when I read it to make it personal. After all, our relationship with Jesus is personal!
"He answered: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind' ; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself." Luke 10:27
~So, when I recite this verse, I'm putting my name in there to really remind myself...*
I've now read up to the book of Revelation. (Thank you Lord for your awesome word!!!) I started reading the bible all the way through January 1st, 2009. I have friends who vowed to read it within a year but that wasn't my goal. You see; every time I'd tried before I'd quit somewhere around Leviticus. If I couldn't remember everything, .... I'd quit. I'd give up. I felt like I wasn't "getting it." So this time, I just prayed first and asked God to give me everything I needed to hear.... and to help me NOT get hung up in places that might not "seem" to sink in?
His word says it never returns void... so I've clung to that. God doesn't lie. And I kept reading.
When I first started a new book of the bible, I'd look ahead how many pages until the next book; and recorded in my Victory journal every time I made it through a book. I noticed, that after awhile, .... I was enjoying it so much that ... going ahead to see how quickly I'd be through that book, got less important to me. Instead; I started not wanting them to end. Now I'm to Revelation. I have this new hunger for more of the word of God. I already know that when I finish... I'll start all over again! When I started this journey, I even bought the Message bible to help me... but as I kept going, I put it down and went back to my KJV. I missed my thees and thous! lol
On the homefront... life has been so busy, I've had little time to write emails or blog but I'm almost finished planting!
Nearly everyday, these gloves, my pad of paper from Kristi at Kiki's corner, this pen, and my trusty scoop get dropped off at the kitchen porch, where I lay them down to run in and start supper.
I have to laugh at the last line on this sheet of paper. NEED IMPATIENS. lol It oughta say NEED PATIENCE, instead.
I'd looked everywhere for pink impatiens. No one had any impatiens at all. And I wanted .... no, I "needed" lipstick pink colored ones. haha My needs and wants get mixed up sometimes.
I finally found some at Lowe's. Lowes knows right?
I did get thyme planted to remind myself:
What's important Lea?
Your thyme... or God's thyme? I do alot of things that a hundred years from now will have made no difference. So... when it comes to my plans, or God's plans... I'm choosing God's.
Interrupt my day Lord. Help me to see your opportunities, and stay on your path.
While gardening this week, I had quite a few God conversations.
Honestly, I've been seeking Him about some things that have bothered me.
One thing I've had a hard time just... getting over. It wasn't really a sin exactly... but something I said that I wanted to take back, but I couldn't. Once we say something, it's out there... and you can't take it back. I know we all blow it sometimes. But getting over something myself is hard. God forgives us, but I have a tough time forgiving myself? I'm a dweller. A bottom dweller sometimes. Do you ever do that? Ponder stuff til it grows in your head? Uuuugh* I think the Lords teachin me that, even "that" is self centeredness. SO... see why I needed a fresh slate?
Movin ON! No more lookin back. (You may have to remind me I said that okay?)
For the past few days, I've worked outdoors til after dark, and then stayed up trying to get stuff done til the wee hours of the morning. The dogs are my shadows and have cracked me up when they get tired. They seriously follow me room to room, and have been putting the miles on! Sometimes at like 3 am... when I'm still wandering around they look at me like... "Can we paleeeeze go to bed now?"
One day this past week, while walking to the mailbox I found a package waiting for me?
Opening it.... was a breath of fresh air.... and dragonfly kisses!
Chinese silk..... dragonflies.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the box was cool too!
And then "this" beautiful SONcatcher flew out at me!
My dear Aunt Mary Kay and Uncle Pat! blessed my socks off.
God uses people in the most wonderful ways... and truly He used them to touch my heart.
Just looking at it again and writing this brings tears to my eyes.
I love you Aunt n Uncle!....
Thank you with all my shabby heart.
(snff snff)*
Back in the garden, I had a lilac in need of a miracle.
My friend Merry Bema sent me money to buy something special after my Mom went to heaven.
With the money I planted a snowball bush and this "forever lilac." The snowball bush is gorgeous and thriving. I'll show pics soon, as it's fixin to bloom! But this lilac is sad lookin. It's still one stick... which I don't understand. Where are the new shoots that should come up? So I used my claw tool. It was bought a long time ago at an auction and oh how I love this thing! I tore up all the bermuda around the plant, and dug down aways and added "miracle grow," soil.
Then, I did thee unthinkable. I got my pruning shears and even though it's just a stick.... I pruned it rather harshly,.... with love! And prayers!!! Come on little lilac bush... you can do it!
I have faith! Grow baby grow!
Up in the yard, I started another new flower bed. Using the same claw tool, I tore up the grass in one area; and cleared it away. Then got out the tiller. You can't see it in the photo above coz I hadn't done it yet... but right in front of the picket fence, I now have flowers planted. Lots of flowers planted in our entry way.
In the garden, I planted new varieties of tomatoes.
It's good to try new things right? Well, how about some PINK tomatoes?
How about lemon yellow ones?
I'm not sure about these black ones. Just how appetizing, will black tomatoes be? It's kinda in my head that black tomatoes mean rotten tomatoes. We'll see. If nothing else, Lydia the goat would love them. Especially salted. lol
These are Jobs Tears seeds, soaking in a bowl.
These are another new thing I'm planting.
My sister introduced Jobs tears to me as a Monk was making rosaries from the seeds.
I must say, the seeds are lovely! I can understand why people use them for beads and if mine grow, I too will make jewelry of faith with the seeds. I meant "when" mine grow.... where did my faith go?
I don't know where to plant these yet? I am over planted.
Seriously. One of my mottos for gardening is: "There is always room for one more."
I will nurture these seeds as best as I can..... and they need a special spot!
Here are two more flower beds I cleaned out.
Oh and remember I told ya God blessed us with an Xterra?
We'd wanted one for a long time... but couldn't afford nor wanted a car payment.
This one had been all smashed in the front end. Reeeally bad. It had hit a telephone pole so hard that it broke off! Anyhow, we bought it and Myguy fixed it all up... it's an absolute gift from God.
Back to the homefront...
a friend said the Hummers should soon be here.
I mixed up my juice... have you yet?
They'll be hungry when they arrive!
And remember I told yall that I started cleaning up some of the bamboo that had taken over in the back yard? I learned in a hurry that cows and donkeys love bamboo leaves. Good grief.
Even Brother John the bull (black one in front) had to have a taste. I'm thankful it didn't hurt them coz they would Not leave me alone when I tried to load it.
They even followed me to the burn pile out in the pasture.
We haven't burned it yet, and I promise you... not one leaf remains. lol
I noticed after loading my pictures the daffodils in front of the truck.
Last year, I'd left that roll of wire on the ground and look at all the daffodils that grew up in the center of it. That wasn't planned. I didn't even know they were there. But as I look at that photo, .... it makes me think how I tend to keep myself boxed in. Bloom where you're planted- Yes... but not in bondage;... but rather..under grace!
Here is another flower bed I cleaned all out. It was full of bermuda grass.
You really don't want to see my nails. lol This bed is now home to more peonies, gourds, camelias, .... flowers galore.
The garden is cleaned up and planted! Can't wait til the dahlias and bachelor buttons are in bloom.
Flowers and seeds are planted all around St Francis.... and now we wait.
Oooh, see the purple flowers next to St Francis...-- another new thing: they are called WALLFLOWERS!
I added the skinny post thee other day, and between the wooden posts, I planted hollyhock seeds from Deena of the Singing Woods! They're so special since she gave them to me and I pray with all my heart that they not only grow, but thrive; here at the potting shed.
And another friend Sue, from Country Pleasures has sent me these two packs of seeds, that are now planted. And after these went in the ground, I opened my mailbox and found another pack to add to these! I have so many friends in my garden!!! Friends in my garden....... and in my computer!!! (Yall are so tiny to all fit inside this monitor.
So this is what I've been up to.
This is my clean slate.
Decided to share all these pictures, and hopefully in time ...can look back on it and see "change."
One thing God showed me while out here planting seeds is:
to get planted, not buried.
I'm getting planted. How bout you?
The righteous will flourish like a palm tree,
they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon;
planted in the house of the LORD,
they will flourish in the courts of our God.
They will still bear fruit in old age,
they will stay fresh and green,
proclaiming, "The LORD is upright;
he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him."
~~My God's good!
I love reading about your life sis, it blesses me. I love you.
Oh your place looks soooo beautiful, and ready to burst out a bloomin. Wow girl you have been busy!!! We have Jacobs tears on Kauai. I keep it in the back border of beds as it gets to over 6 feet here! It's lovely in arrangements. Gotta a laugh out of you wrestling the bamboo. Boy that stuff sure has a mind of its own! Did you know you can make tea from the leaves, and it has as many properties as green tea without the bitter taste.
Mahalo for the dragon fly kisses, and your newsy post.
God is doing a good work in you Lea
Aloha Paula
O.k. I am ready to come visit ..I won't be too much of a bother as I'll just take the flower bed to sleep in ..and I'll make friends with Mary pearl ...
Then in the mornings I'll rise early and watch the sunrise over the pond while the fish kiss the top of the pond and make those fun little floating rings ...
Then ..I'll visit the flowers ..and take a walk with the cows ..and by that time I'll need a nap under a shady tree ...
I'll see you soon ...LOL !!
Thanks for sharing Lea ..I always enjoy escaping into your pictures.
Hugs ..Sara
Whoa Sistah..
You have been one busy bee lol.
I loved your photos and I know your garden will just beautiful just like your beauitful spirit!!
Luv *U* Lorie
Phew.........I am exhausted.
What is the lilac ???? have not heard of that one.
Nor the monks seeds.
My goodness! You have been one crazy-busy lady! Thanks for sharing your spring adventures! Everything looks great...can't wait to see as everything comes into bloom. Thanks for sharing what God brought to you during your time of working with his creation. (Don't you love that!?!) Love your dragonfly goodies and know they made your heart smile. Love ya dearly!
What a beautiful post. Girl, you have been soooooooo busy! What a tremendous garden you are going to have. I am so ready to get to my planting too. I am in charge of the Junior/Senior prom which is this weekend and it has taken up most of my time for the past several months but after it is over I'm trading my tiara for my favorite gardening gloves. Have a blessed days, sweet gardening friend!
That was a great tour Lea, I so enjoyed taking a peek at all your gardens and sweet life! Your place will be in full bloom soon! Hugs!
I loved loved looking at all your pictures.. You make me tired..! I have always wanted lots of land to plant and grow and garden, and now that the Lord has blessed me with that land I need HIM to bless me with the energy to do things! ONE thing I want you to think about.. Get rid of that red hummer juice... It is food coloring and it hurts their liver and they do not live as long as they should.. I changed three summers ago and I use Garden Song Clear Hummingbird Food. I cannot find it here in Ada and have to order it on line. I get 6 cans at the beginning of Spring and it will last all season with a bit left for the new season. Some hardware stores care a clear liquid also that you mix with water.. This one is crystals that you mix........ I knew you would want to know...... You love your little hummers and they will live longer.... AND please take a picture of your Jobs Tears.. I have never seen one.......
you made my day. Oh my goodness, I'm going outside to start planting, anything I can find. Have a great day.
Golly, Leah! You sure know how to get a lot done in your garden in a short period of time! I'm still digging up sod to move my raspberries! And it'll be another month, at least, before my lilacs bloom! I've so much to do, so little time. BUT, I always make time to be in the Word! We are studying through Revelation on Sunday nights, and we're loving it! Would you beleive I used to be afraid of Revelation? Becuase I didn't understand it, and just couldn't comprehend what end times were all about! Now I do: Eternity with Jesus. So simple!
Have a great day, enjoy God's creation. Loved visiting you in your garden(s) today! ~Hugs, Heidi
I won't plant anything quite yet...maybe another week...sometimes it still frosts up here this late.
Even still I won't work as hard as you do! Whew it was sticky and hot yesterday! I hid inside all day! I want winter baaaack!
I am excited about the return of the Hummers...they are always lookin' in the window! Probably saying "why doesn't she come out and plant something???"
Wow, that was quiet a trip. I loved every minute of it until all at once my computer "hanged" or just stopped before I was through reading. It used up all my memory. I had to reboot and come back to finish reading. I also ha my blog minimized on the status bar so it was the two together that did it. When I came back Internet Explorer restored my session with you. Wasn't that nice of them. Can't wait to see everything in bloom. Bet you sleep good tonight.
Love you, AE
Oh my goodness, you have gotten so much garden work done, I am ashamed to say I haven't even transplanted my peonies. The are way up, and were when I went out to transplant them, so there fore I was a bit afraid to.
I have zinnia's and morning glories to plant, but haven't yet. We are expecting a frost, so holding up for awhile.
Everything looks lovely, wish I had your energy.
Ohhh Merry Pearl, you are a girl after my own heart! Lea I just had to come back and visit you one more time, as your last post had so much to comment on! Now about those job's tears. Oh my goodness, I went all over the internet to find a picture. I am laughing so hard my sides are a hurting!!! It appears that in the US mainland it gets no more than 2 to 3 feet.we must have the humongo size on Kauai! So ladies and gents, if you want your job's tears to reach over 6 feet add about 40 extra degrees to your ambient temps, and add poor volcanic topsoil! Isnt God's creation amazing!!!!
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