Monday, March 15, 2010

Hearing, Listening, Seeking, Expecting, Finding, Following

Greetings and holykisses Yall,

Hope this finds you all happy and well!!
Well; those are some big words up in my title aren't they?
They're all words pooled in my journal notes today.

The picture above is my latest thrift store find. No small wonder that it seems to herd along with my mantle these days. This lamb is an old Wilton cake mold from 1972.
I haven't cleaned it up enough to make a cake in it yet, but I hope to for Easter.

It sure reminded me of this verse once again, and knowing my Shepherds voice.
Then again today, God used someone to remind me to just follow Him... no matter where or how He leads. I'm afraid at times, this lil sheep tends to be a little hard headed. She often thinks she needs to know all the why's and how comes.

Why do I tend to think I need to have answers before stepping out in faith?

I think I made that little card over a year ago. Yet the message seemed as if it were meant for today. Isn't it wild... the "things" God will use to help get our attention?

Today, I started the conference at A Woman Inspired. I have never done this before, and really didn't know what to expect? I can't tell you how blessed I was. The technology is incredible. I don't have a clue how it all works, but I'm thankful it does! lol I truly give God the glory for it, and for the speakers He's using to inspire others. --- to inspire even me.

I'm not sure how much I'll be online this week.
But I'll see you soon; God willing.

Hearing, Listening, Seeking, Expecting, Finding, Following,


Artful Gathering said...

enjoy your workshop! blessings, Dawn

Harley Mom said...

I can relate to being hard headed! I suffer (lol) from that, too. Isn't it wonderful to serve a God who specializes in hard heads?! Thanks!

Yolanda said...

What a be inspired.


Unknown said...

Great collage. Follow, what a word.
Your workshop/study sounds so very interesting and inspiring.

Sunnyside Up said...

I so love your little lamb cake pan! If you make one for Easter post us a picture..wouldya? I know you will! :)

O me of little faith...Im praising YOU Father that YOU are the supplier of ALL of my needs...both great and small! Thanks for my sweet, sweet bloggy friend Lea...who seeks AFTER YOU with her whole hear Your voice...listening, FIND and FOLLOW! Bless her as she blesses ME!

Following the MASTER,

Denise said...

Enjoy the conference sweetie.

Katy said...

I sometimes need to remember to give it to Him and stay following Him always! :) Love your chalkboard with the verse! I have a Psalm written on my chalkboard. :) I love having scripture up where we can see it continually! OH...and I have to tell you...I was reading in Acts yesterday and read about how the apostles were flogged because the Sadducees were jealous and were going to actually Kill them but just flogged them and released them...and you know WHAT? The apostles left the Sanhedrin and were REJOICING because they were found worthy enough to suffer for the Name. Isn't that beautiful? I know you will love this as much as I did!

41The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name. 42Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ. ~Acts 5:41-42. If you read all of Chapter 5 of Acts you will get a better idea of what I mean.

Attic Clutter said...

Oh you know I love -love that cake sheep(:) great find~
Is the fuzzy one on the mantel mine..
cute stuff Lea..
Happy Paddy's Day~hugs,Patty

Sit A Spell said...

Cute little pan...I love sheep...always have. (maybe it's cause I can relate to them ; )

I love going to retreats and conferences...they do encourage and inspire you. Is this a simulcast by chance? I'll have to look into it. Is there music???
Well, enjoy and soak it up girl, then squeeze it out onto us!