Sunday, February 7, 2010

Seeds For Sharing

Greetings and Holykisses,

Thank you to all of you wishing us a Happy Anniversary.
We had so much fun. We even drove to Little Rock and dined at Johnny Carino's. (Had the best time ever and we both feel so blessed) Thanks for sharing our special memories with us, here at The Shed!

Have to tell you, what happened yesterday. I was going about my day doing errands and stopped off at Atwoods, to pick up a sack of Scratch grain for the Puddleduck family.

I noticed all the garden seed is out now; and the ones marked .59 had a sign below them that said .10! I went up front to have one scanned just to be sure. WooHoOo! .10 seed packets... and the racks were all full! So I went back and took my sweet time loading up. In front of me, was a mature woman...who was probably around 70 years old. A woman more my age was with her and I overheard them "talkin tomatoes." Mature woman was searching for a specific cherry tomato and she didn't want to settle for anything second best. I think the younger one grew tired of waiting for her and she went off to shop on her own. I was enjoying all those beautiful packets, with thoughts of BLOOMS runnin through my head. I could tell Mature woman was in her element as well.

I was looking for a packet of mustard seeds. You know...some "faith seeds!" I have two different types, and wasn't sure which ones were like the biblical ones. After hearing Mature woman talk tomatoes, I knew she was much wiser than I, and maybe she'd grown mustard before? So I stepped into her space, and we "talked mustard." By then, we'd made it around to the backside of the seed display. That was when she stepped into my space and asked me if I'd seen any Cockscomb? She went on to describe the flower, and I knew exactly what she was looking for, but hadn't seen any seed there. Disappointment flooded her face. I told her that although Atwoods didn't seem to have any Cockscomb... "I" did.... at my house, and I'd be happy to send her some if she'd give me her address. Her look changed... from disappointment to sheer joy. I took out my checkbook and wrote her address in my register. .....Then, to my surprise... she hugged me! :)

For the next... oh maybe 25 minutes she began sharing her heartbreak, ... and I started to realize... I knew this story.* It sounded all so familiar. She'd just lost her Mother in October, and was with her when she died. As details unfolded,... I learned she even died .....of lung cancer. -- (As she talked, I remembered standing in Hobby Lobby looking for an angel ornament, my first Christmas without my own Angel Mother. There was a woman there that day, who also listened while I shared bits of my story.)

~~I was consciously trying to ignore a few stares from other people, while Mature woman poured out her heart. She told me that her brother was holding their Mother when she died, and I watched her fumble into her purse until she found an old kleenex. She dotted at her nose with it a few times while she shared her grief. When she finished, she asked me, "Do you have children?" I told her, "Yes, I do; two sons." She went on to tell me that she never did, but they raised a girl from a young teenager to adulthood, but she never sees her anymore. She said she taught her about JESUS, and tried to teach her "right," but that she went her own way and she hasn't seen her in a long time. I wondered if she told me about that because she was feeling so lonesome? Her Father had passed away ten years earlier. So no Dad, no Mom, no children, and the one she raised like her own; had went her own way. "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he's old he'll not depart from it." -- I said outloud. As we said goodbye, I patted her arm and told her I'd be praying that her prodigal comes home. She said she believes that she will one day.

Last night I started worrying if I'd be able to find the cockscomb seed I'd saved from last year, and had promised to Mature woman. But I found it, and it was right where I thought it was! See the tiny black seeds in the tan colored part of the dried flower head? Mature woman told me her Mother used to grow these in her garden; so she wants very much to grow them in a pot to place on her Mother's gravestone at the cemetery. -- funny.... when I planted this cockscomb in my garden last year, I never thought for a second that it would be watered, grown, cut, dried, saved, and mailed to a stranger in a town 30 miles from me the following year.
God's amazing.
His ways, ... and His perfect timing. Even the fact that I'd carried a seed packet to the front of the store to get a price check... and then walked back.... seemed orchestrated to join two hearts, who'd lost both their Mom's to lung cancer. This "moment" blessed me so much!

Ya know; flowers can sure help soothe our hurts. When my Mom died, my friend Fancynancy sent the biggest mixed bouquet I've ever seen to our door. She told me to:
"look into the flowers... because it's our glimpse into heaven."
I'll never forget that, and I kept burying my face into those beautiful, colorful blooms.

In the book 90 Minutes In Heaven, Don Piper tells of his car accident. He died, and went to heaven for awhile before he was brought back to life. He said in heaven, there are colors we don't even know yet. I dream of those colors when I look into flowers and get my glimpse.... of heaven.

Would ya'll please say a prayer for Mature woman, who's missing her Mother?
I pray her cockscomb flowerseeds grow well, and that when she looks into them, she catches a glimpse of her own HOME SWEET HOME.

Holykisses, xoxo


Tracy said...

What a beautifully orchestrated "meeting." God purposed you for encouraging this sweet woman because He knew you would be so tendered to her. So glad He placed you there, and so glad you shared this with us. I'll definitely be praying for her. Your faithfulness blesses me so.

So happy that you and yourguy had such a wonderful and special time together. You guys are about two of the cutest love bugs I've ever seen!

Love ya,

Unknown said...

God's appointments are so exciting.
Mature woman will be reminded of how God brought you two together as she receives, plants, and nurtures her little seeds.
I've read, 90 minutes in heaven and wow what we have to look forward to.

Unknown said...

What a sweet, wonderful story and experience! You planted more than seeds there Lea, bless your heart! Love the idea of faith seeds, GREAT! God does amazing things and makes sure we are where we are needed at times. I know your Mom is smiling down on you! Hugs!!

Kristi said...

What a beautiful post penned from the heart of one of the most beautiful ladies I am blessed to know in blog land. Your appointment was divinely appointed by the One who cares about every single details of our lives. He shines so beautifully through you!

Yolanda said...

What a moment that God Himself had ordained for you to spread some cheer from The Shabby Olde Potting Shed to Mrs. Mature. Lovely.....

Denise said...

God's timing is so perfect.

Joyfulsister said...

Awww post Sis...
God knows what will happen ahead of time and he leads us down a path of encouragement and blessings. You each had a chance to share not only the earthly seeds but the spiritual ones as well. And out of it bloomed a time of sharing..

Luv Ya Lorie

Mel said...

I just loved this post, brings back memories of my lonely neighbor lady, and times we shared when I was really young. You see, she was deaf, and never married, probably 70 something, she was alone and even at the age of 7yrs old, I knew she needed someone. I shared my time with her by walking with her to the cemetary (carrying a canning jar of water) to her sisters grave. I'd spend hours sitting on her old radiated heater visiting with her while her TV blared in the background. I cut her lawn for her, and do remember my bedroom window looked into the very window I sat in while there for visits. I could see her in her rocker, and would always look over and say my good nights. She is now with our Lord in heaven and I know someday we will meet again.

To this day, I just adore my elders and any time I get to share their day.

You really touched Mature Ladies heart, and those seeds, she will charish the rest of her life. God Bless you for reaching out to someone who needed you at that very moment.

I also read "90 Minutes in Heaven" and enjoyed all it had to offer us about what is waiting for us after this stage of life.


Leaon Mary said...

"I" was the one who was blessed. And I still can't believe how everything timed out so perfectly. Had it not been that way,... we probably wouldn't have even spoken.
Finding out her Mom had lung cancer too... -- well... it was ALL GOD.
I love when things happen that you can see God's hand at work... and how He lines things up JUST SO...
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh He's good isn't He?!!!

Anonymous said...

YOU are a blessing to all you come in contact with! Glad you had a wonderful anniversary! Hard to believe it's been 27 years! Who would have known the path taken by two young hearts! Love you and miss you!

From the Heart said...

A beautiful story and a lot of memories to store away and remember often.

Glad you and your guy got to have a memorable anniversary.
Love you, AliceE.

Attic Clutter said...

HI Lea..
I love that cockscomb too ..
Glad all is good for you -you always spread the cheer ~!!!
Your heart is so pure (:)
big hugs, Patty

irene said...

saying a prayer for "mature woman" and for you too Lea, both missing your Moms XXOO

irene said...

saying a prayer for "mature woman" and for you too Lea, both missing your Moms XXOO