Greetings and holykisses Yall!
It's been way too long since I've had a give away here at the shed!
So last night I started stitchin up a lil hand-did from lil ole me... to thee!
This little bluebird was created out of muslin, using the pattern I won from Barefoot Primitives last year. Her wings are primly stitched on, and no glue was used on her at all. She's painted, and sanded to look olde and worn.... and if you look close- Matt 6:26 is on her left wing: a reminder to trust our Lord. ~Her eyes are a couple olde snaps that I found in my button tin, and the spring....; well....I cut it out of an old bench seat from a 67 Chevy pickup.
The tag, was still a little wet when I snapped the picture. But it has Matt 6:26 on it, as well as old string, dryer lint, a strand of hair I found in a real bird nest, and a little bird seed. ;)
I'm also including this book. My friend Sara gave me my own copy, and I love it so much I went out and bought one for the winner of this give away. I hope it blesses you as much as it does me!
To enter this give away, leave a comment on "this" post, to let me know you want "in!"
You don't have to be a follower of "me" ...but I'm hoping you're a follower of HIM! Also, it's open to anyone in the U.S.! Comment away! Deadline is noon on Friday, February 26th. At that time, all the names will go in my straw garden hat, and one person will be drawn.
Smoochy holykisses xoxo
I would love to enter Lea! The bird is awesome and the book sounds great! If you love it, I know I would too! Is it OK to sign up even though I won a giveaway from you a long while back?
Aloha my dear Lea! Some little birdie has been very busy using her creative talents! What a georgous blue bird. Love the old chevy spring, and the card is precious (especially the scratch feed on the card! Cleaver)
We are so blessed that we have a saviour who loves and cares for us that much, that HE meets out needs. The scripture is so beautifully clear on that.
Please enter me into your giveaway, and thank you for having one :-) Hope that little birdie gets to fly all the way to Kauai!!
Aloha Paula
I love your little blue bird! Where in the world did you get that spring to put him on.....???? How sweet! Also I have heard about that book and really would like to read it so put my name in the pot and I will look under some shamrocks and find me a little leprechaun to come and help you pick my name!
Count me in sis, that is so cute.
Yes, please enter me. Anything you do is great. I love the verse and need a good devotional book.
How adorable ! Your blog is a blessing ! I would love it if you would count me in !
Have a wonderful weekend full of blessings !
You know I'm in and I follow you and HIM!! lol The birdie is adorable, your so crafty and cleaver! Hugs!
I just love all of these purties, Sweetness!! Pick me...pick me!!!!
You have been holding out with all of that creativity, gal!! Love that it is all stuff that has been given new life!! Like us, huh?
Thanks for hosting this special giveaway, Lea!!
Love you and hope your Sunday is especially joyful!!
Lea, please enter me in your give away. I love the bluebird, so creative you are.
The book has got to be good if it about our Lord and Savior
Precious One,
Oh you know I would love to be a part of this give-away...It's beautiful and I love that this little bluebird was made by your hands...that makes it ever more special to me and I'm sure to every one else here. The book looks like a great read.
Count me in for the draw sister. :D
Love you,
Cute bluebirdie! I love the spring thats so funny!
I have a similar little book by Swindoll that I love and it never gets old.
Only you could make something adorable from a spring you found in the chevy. WOW! Your bluebird is DARLING!!! I've heard of that book...sounds wonderful!
Please don't enter my name in your giveaway. I've already been so blessed by your creations, I want someone else to have that blessing. Thank you so much!
Okay...I really didn't come here today JUST for the giveaway...haha. Truth is that I actually got some time to update my own blog and then decided I'd check out a couple of my favorite friends to visit with. What a lovely and encouraging creation. Awesome giveaway!! Love ya!
Just came back to let you know I'm now a follower, have always been a follower of HIM.
Irma :)
Yes please, I love your blue bird it's amazing--he looks like he could bring a little sunshine into my life.
I would be beyond BLESED to have anything handmade by YOU! God has given you so many good talents and this one is just precious! SO of course enter lil ole ME!
Actually...I have to admit that I shed a few tears when I read your comments about birdie! Just needed the reminder that I dont need to worry about all the things of this world and the things that have been heavy on my heart...I only need to TRUST IN HIM! I remember back a while when you had the picture of the birds eating seed off of freshly fallen snow and (I THINK?) you added this very scripture...we are SO taken care of by our need to worry!
Love ya sweet and TALENTED friend! Thanks for letting HIM use YOU in mighty ways! You will NEVER KNOW how much you touch and encourage ME!
count me in-cute bluebird
tiramisu392 (at)
I stopped by for some comfort and you have a giveaway. Your blue bird is so beautiful. Count me in and thanks for comforting me.
Your birdie turned out amazing sweetie ~Blessings~ Debbie
What a beautiful give-away from a beautiful woman of God.
I am so happy to enter your give-a-way! I just enjoy your blog so much and find blessings each day in your writtings! I hope I win so that I can read this book!
I love the bird and tag, and that you put the word on it, and that this is open to anyone and that you hope we are a follower of Him.
I am, and so grateful.
barbara jean
Lea -
I read your blog daily - you are so encouraging and I always find some inspiration for my day!
Your crafts are always precious!
I love that blue bird too!
Gods blessings to you,
I want to enter the give away. Little blue bird could sit on my devotion table with me as I am in the Word. He is as cute as can be!
Walking with Him, I went by Territory Mom's, she mentioned we might like to wander this way, so here we are! Lovely blog! I would enjoy meeting your little blue bird in person, please enter me in. Thanks!
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