Hope you're enjoying a beautiful weekend dear friends!
The leaves are falling and trees will soon be bare; with winter around the very next corner.
I ran out the door yesterday wearing a turtleneck; but by afternoon felt as if I'd melt! I even saw people wearing shorts in thee afternoon. It got so warm!!
Remember I mentioned how weird it was that yesterday morning I woke with real tears? I was so totally perplexed by this because I couldn't even remember dreaming? Anyhow, I wish I could tell you everything that happened the rest of the day; because I'd prayed for God to direct my day with people I was supposed to meet, and even to give me words to speak and .... Oh DID HE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First I got an email, from someone asking me for my help, and then a phone call.... and had quite a turn of events happen. I didn't get home til around 8 pm. Be prepared that when you turn your day over to God, and verbally say, "Here I am... send me..." -- There is just no telling where He'll send you and what you'll end up doing?!!! For a very emotional day, that started out with unexplained tears; God was very much in control. Thee amazing thing... is that throughout the day when I "could have" been a basket case over someone else's circumstances, ... the Lord kept me cool as a cucumber, and clear focused to do what was needed. (not my norm!) On my own, I would have folded.... but HE makes us able! He makes our ordinary EXtraordinary!
Ya just never know what He's up to....
Or who He'll put on your path?
Have a beautiful day!
"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6
Who knows where God will lead us if we only let him and listen to the Holy Spirit's still small voice. We are truely on a great adventure!! I love you my friend
My Lieb, you are awesome! Keep up the good work! Holy kisses to you from Texas.
Bless you for following His lead, love you.
The secret is listening to God, and not folding like you said. You did good today! Enjoy your weekend. Is that photo of your place? I LOVE that tree!
What a great testimony. Praise God for using you and the tears must have humbled you so that you could accomplish what God had in store for you.
Luv u,
Hey Girlfriend,
What day yesterday was !!! I am so PROUD OF YOU and the way you handle things. I knew you had it in you if you would just let God take control and lead you. Your momma would be so proud of you. I bet she was up in heaven telling the angles that's my girl!!!! Thank you for letting me a part of your day.
This is the great adventure, isn't it sweetness??? I was just pondering that very thought a few minutes ago with a dear old friend. Who knows what tomorrow holds for those who are in Him and seeking to live for Him? How very exciting! So glad you were used and blessed!! I would have thought nothing less. :o)
Have a joyful Sunday full of wonder and praise!
Love to you!!
Lea, isn't it amazing how God totally loves to stir up our day for HIS glory? And when we allow Him to, and follow His lead, wow...what an incredible day and we can say: "Only God".
Love YOU!
I enjoyed this post...our God is so good...and His ways always amaze me!
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