I hope yall had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and have enjoyed all those leftovers. I'm about ready to clean out the fridge now. Well, okay... maybe not the pie. ;)
The photo above is one of my most treasured memories of this Thanksgiving. Trent learned how to make gravy! lol He likes to cook, and is king of the grill. On my birthday, what I'd rather have than anything else is his grilled, cheesy-brats. But looking back, one of the many things I did wrong as a Mom was not teaching the boys much in the way of household chores or cooking. Since I was "home"...... I pretty much did everything for them. Many times, since they've been on their own; I've gotten phone calls from them asking, "Momma how do you make _____" Sometimes it tickles me to no end. But I've decided when they're around and we're having festivities, it's time to put them to work in the kitchen. Besides, it is much more fun for everyone to be taking part, than for one person to be doing it all. And I've found people like to help! Who wants to go to someones house and have to stand there and watch them do everything. It's more fun to pitch in! This Thanksgiving, Trent did just that! He learned to make gravy from ham and turkey! Yeeehaaa! It was delicious too I might add! Good job Trent! You made your Momma proud. ;)
Usually, the day after Thanksgiving, you can find me holed-up here at the house. But this year, to my shock and delight... Myguy wanted to venture to Fort Smith to .... shop?! HOLYCOW!
Will wonders ever cease? There was a tool sale he wanted to hit, so he dropped me off at the Mall. I was armed with my cellphone, and my mad money. -- It was fun! Funny thing too; he and Trent showed up at Sears just in time for Myguy to buy me a really cute green sweater! haa I mean; ho ho ho! The timing was just too perfect!* lol (Really cute sweater...one left in my size...oh look; here comes Myguy!) SEE! Ladies, you all agree with me right? It was just meant to be.

Very inexpensive, and everyone around loves it. For instance if you like floral arrangements etc... they have isles upon isles of floral stems etc. I had an absolute BLAST.
In the photo above, you can see the new rug we found for our new floor at A-Z. Can you see the pink roses in the center medallion? I'm a sucker for pink roses, and liked the vintage feel this one had. You can see the dogs must like the feel too!

This was my favorite A_Z find. I've been looking for so long to find something unusual to display my vintage relatives. Old black n white photos and postcards that I collect. This little stand holds alot! It was made for Christmas cards, ... so I'll probly use it for that too.
This morning, my scissors were flying, as I finished up my package for my Cookie cutter swap partner. I hope she likes the cutters I found for her. I found 2 very special ones at an antique store on the way home yesterday!
Our post office here closes at 10 a. m. Myguy came to my rescue and made a mad dash to go mail my swap partners package for me. (I heart him so) -- I was still in my jammies with glitter all over... paper, yarns and ribbons all over my table. It still is. lol I can already tell, it's going to be one of those days. You kind of have to be in the mood to make things... and it hit me hard and seems to be sticking. That could just be residue from my glue gun- not sure? I signed up for Deena's Pink Ornament exchange and I'm anxious to start on that next. ;)
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
"What kind of King would leave His throne... in heaven to make... this earth His home?"
While men seek fame and bravery now... in lowliness, our King comes down... Jesus Jesus precious One... how we thank You that you've come! Jesus, Jesus precious One... a manger throne for God's own Son!"
What a Beautiful Thanksgiving you had Lea ! Hey it's never too late to teach the boys to cook. That's one thing my grandma did with her 3 boys( one my dad) ..they knew how to cook, clean, do laundry , quite domesticated the three of them. My mom thought it was so wonderful that my dad could pitch in when she was sick and such ..so she made sure my brother knew how to do it all. They'll make Great Husbands for a special gal one day !!
Your shopping spree sounds fun ..and your a-z place really sounds fun ..we went the day before thanksgiving to this great place called TAI PAN ..wow it had wonderful stuff ..First time we had went. Lots of florals, Christmas and household goodies that you just wanted to scoop up !
Hold onto the pie sister ..a gal needs her pie !!! LOL !!
Hugs Friend and God Bless ...Sara
Fun post sweetie.
Glad your Thanksgiving was so nice.
barbara jean
I love your Christmas header sis. I really enjoyed the picture of you and your son. Much love to you.
You are so clever and I love you more thane ever!
A man that makes gravy, priceless! So glad you had a awesome saturday and love the new floors, they look great! I too was a full time mama and never really taught my boys alot about cooking but they sure do get into now so that may be just as good! Your swap goodies goes out in the morning! Really!
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