Bet yall didn't know I can do cartwheels like this did ya? lol
I can't tell you how excited I was to find an email from Debbie of Barefoot Primitives in my inbox yesterday. I won a giveaway on her site! Not one, but FOUR of her primitive patterns; all of my choice !!! (sQuEEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I feel so blessed! And; I'm printing my brand new E-patterns as we speak!
If you get a chance, please visit her site: Barefoot Primitives and check out all her fun patterns!
Debbie is so sweet and she's a wonderful artist!
Primitives are so much fun to make, and her designs are super cute!
I chose the Bird nodder makedo pincushions, Sophia Angel, Bethany Angel and the Chilly heads snowman ornies! They are so adorable and I can't wait to start making them for CHRISTmas presents!!
I'm heading to my craft room to dig out my muslin; so I can start tracing snowman heads!!
Have a wonderful evening!
Whoo hoo Sis!!!
Congrats, I can just picture you jumping for joy joy all over the place hee hee hee!!! I love the snowman head I got from Luv it luv it. I'm getting reading to put a Lea shrine in my house lol.
Woo Hoo, congrats sweetie.
Congrats!! I'll check her website out. Have a great day!!
Congrats on winning, can't wait to see what you do with the patterns! Love your Thanksgiving look here. Have a blessed Monday.
Oh I love love love primitives and have been making them for a year or so....... I so need to put them on a blog...........
I am thankful that words typed on a computer screen touched your heart..
We are the body of Christ and we need the Jesus in each of us..... I am humbled that the Jesus in me touched your heart this morning....
Now that really sounds like fun, have a wonderful day, and God bless you real good.
Your enthusiasm is contagious :-) Will have to go check out her web site... Me oh my... I don't even know what a "primitive" is ;O Tee hee...
Congrats to you sweetie!! What a wonderful prize!! Now get to work bringing those little Angels and Frosties to life!
Congratulations. Did you see my blog about a give away from Edie and help celebrate her someteenth birthday.
Luv u,
I thought you could do cartwheels and I KNOW you can do double backflips off the diving board.
Can't wait to see the snowdudes and stuff!!! Craft faster...
Can't wait to see your creations too. Did the ducks watch your cartwheels?
Love ya, Debra
Congratulations sweetie!!
Can't wait to see what you make.
barbara jean
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