Although we may feel young at heart... Myguy and I have agreed that the rest of us is getting OLD! We stayed up waylate last night trying to finish the new floor and it's almost done. All but the final touches on three doorways- I think. DIY marathons are not as easy as they used to be for us. No one would dispute that, if they saw us trying to get out of bed this morning, limping our way to the bathroom.
Today, Mike will finish the doorways, and I'll keep putting things away; -- while decorating for Christmas at the same time. Things are looking up and we like how everything's turned out. But as I look around and put things where they belong; I'm reminded that....
IT'S not about
It's not about decorations.
It's about
It's not about decorations.
It's about
Give THANKS to the LORD for He is good;
(1 Chron 16:34)
Lovely home, Lea...Have a simply wonderful Thanksgiving.
Oh my goodness! That looks lovely! Well done friend! I sure do know what you mean about the ol' body!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Wow, that looks amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can just imagine the click click of the nails of that furry friend lying there in the picture as well, ready to take after Stuart.
Love ya and Happy THANKSGIVING!
Oh Sweetness!! I know just what you mean about these earthsuits of ours!! Just not as energetic and brand spanking new as they once were are they?
And you know what? It is ALL about the Lord, but doesn't it just totally delight your soul that He lets us have some fun with decorating, too??? He is just so loving to let us truly enjoy some of the way less significant things in this life!! Joy Joy Joy!!
Have a wonderful day of Thanks tomorrow, Lea!
Love to you along with a big squishy hug!!
Your floor looks so beautiful. You should be proud of yourselves.
I agree it's not about things but about giving thanks to the Father for ALL He has done for us.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
Love you,
PS I know the feeling after doing things you have not done in a while. The aches and pain will go away.
It is all about hi, but I like to think of the small joys in life, like decorating for Christmas is to celebrate him! The floor looks great! You'll have to show off your rooms when everything is put back. Happy Thanksgiving Lea! Blessings to you!
Hey yall,
Hope I wasn't spewing christianese.
I hate that lingo. I think I just realized when I took a breath that ... my focus was becoming everything other than God.
If yall could hear the noise inside my head when I get BUSY sometimes. SHEWWW!
Thanks for your sweet comments and Thanksgiving wishes. I love yall... and pray you have a wonderful Thanksgiving as well. I count you as my blessings!
Hi Sis, Just wanted to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving Day. Hey the floor looks great, can you come over and do mine lol. I am so thankful for you my sweet sweet Lea, you sure do know how to make my heart smile, even on those days when I'm going through health issues. I know the Lord sent you my way!!!
Luv Ya Lorie
Your floor looks great and so does that cute little pup. I have been thinking about how hard my DIY projects have gotten for me lately too. *sigh*
I will be thankful that one day my body will be perfect and it will last for all of eternity! Happy thoughts!
Love you! Have a very blessed Thanksgiving!
It IS all about HIM...... the floor looks great....... Rest my friend, It will all be there tomorrow.... BUT you did GOOD!!!!!!
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