Greetings and Holykisses dear friends,
Today was day 6, of "laying down," all our stuff*.
Lisa shared Hagaii with us, and how God wants us to give careful thought to our ways.
I've been thinking about this alot. Honestly, If I've ever read these verses in Hagaii before; they didn't stick, because reading it today... they were brand new.
"Consider your ways." Hagaii 1: 5
"You have sown much, but harvest little; you eat, but there is not enough to be satisfied, you drink, but there is not enough to become drunk; you put on clothing, but no one is warm enough; and he who earns, earns wages to put into a purse with holes." Thus says the Lord of hosts, "Consider your ways!" Go up to the mountains, bring wood and rebuild the temple that I may be pleased with it and be glorified," says the Lord."
These words touched me today. How many times do I "consider my ways," for just a while.*
I don't want my life to be that of the purse with holes. I picture my Maxx handbag from the salvation army. I didn't buy it with holes. I "wouldn't" waste my money if it had holes. It holds all my "good" stuff.-- We gals know that we carry our daily life in our purse. Many of us have dents on our shoulders from carrying too much stuff in our purse. My life's often the same way. Full of stuff; and sometimes holey... more than holy.
So I'm REconsidering my ways.
Going to the mountain-
rebuilding this temple.
May He be pleased.
And glorified.
Amen, I hear you my sis. I love you.
You are a wise women, I'll look at my purse much differently now! Great post!
Oh Sweetness!! So aptly penned, my friend. I asked God just this morning to search me and try me and see if there is any wicked way in me and lead in The Way everlasting. So much junk can pile up in us if we aren't careful! Wonderful analogy about the purse.
Can I also just tell you that you add so much to my days with your sweet, cheerful godly disposition?
He is all over you and your light so shines for Him!! Thank you for yor thoughtful comments also on my puddleduck post! You truly blessed me, sweetie.
May your day be chockful of God's very best for you!!!
Love and hugs,
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