Hope yall are enjoying a beautiful weekend!
It's been a crazy week here!
First, I want to thank yall for the "pearls of wisdom" you shared. I so loved reading them ALL!
You bless me so very much. Congratulations to Katy of The Country Blossom. I'll be mailing your package out on Monday Katy!
It's been kind of a rat race around here. Don't worry- not literally. I know with "me" you never know... right? lololol But speaking of rats, we have had "critter trouble." We still have a skunk getting into the chicken coop, so that's been an issue. And earlier this week, I walked behind the house to feed our gold fish and koi and found them "floating." :( What on earth happened to our fish??? We'd had them a long time!
Later on that day, I was heading to the garden, and guess what I discovered? 5 puddleducks were having a POOL PARTY in the goldfish pond! They were whoopin it up bigtime! Now I know what happened to our fish! They met the puddleducks. -- That very night... our 5 puddleducks turned into 4. Something killed one of them in our barn. Don't worry, "Hairdoo" wasn't the one who was eaten, but it was still sad all the same.
I set the live trap and baited it with hotdogs. Next morning the hotdogs were gone, and nothing got caught. Grrrr. So that night, we baited the trap again, and about midnight, we snuck down to the barn with the shotgun and flashlite. Thank GOD, I had locked up the last 4 puddleducks in their pen in the barn because we surprised a very large raccoon trying to get INTO the pen the puddleducks were sleeping in! Ahem*----, we no longer have the same raccoon problem. And that's all I'm saying about that.* ;) We really hate that we lost one of the puddleducks, ... but also that we lost the goldfish and koi. This whole duck thing sure hasn't worked out like I thought it would! Think twice before you say yes to baby ducks at the feed store. They sure are stinkin cute,....and they'll steal your heart for sure.... but they're alot like teenagers. They have definite minds of their own, and can be abit rebellious!
When not tending critters this week, I whipped up a lil curtain to hang in place the "hole" in our cabinets where our dish washer used to be.* You know how I love "rickrock." Had to add some to this curtain, but it sure ended up crooked! lol Oh well... I'll make another, but for now it beats staring at a hole in our cabinets.

Standing in Lowes, we looked and looked at paint chips to make sure of what we wanted. We kept coming back to thee inspiration picture I shared so long ago! We can't do anything about the flooring yet, .... so for now, we're just focusing on the walls. Goodbye 13 year old, ugly- sponge painted taupey walls. Hello Green River, Wintergreen Ash, and Spruce Frost!
If you don't hear from me for a while... you'll know I'm doin! The tv will be cranked to Sirius 6066 Christian Pop. I'm pretty sure the louder I praise, the faster I paint! lol
Have a beautiful weekend!
You just crack me up but I love you anyhow. Sorry about the puddleduck and the fish, but glad you got the critter.
Look forward to seeing your newly painted room.
You got a good chuckle right out loud talking about how cute the baby ducks are and how they are a lot like teenagers. I think I'll stick to my basset hound and my garden. Oh yeah, and the knitting lessons.
I can't wait for the praises of your bedroom painting, Sister.
Love to YOU,
So glad you found the source of your puddle duck problems!! I love your crooked little curtain!! Too cute!! There is nothing like painting to perk up an area and give a fresh perpective!! I'm doing my front bathroom in a similar color, and it already has a beach/spa theme. It's such a nice contrast to all of my earth tones!
Have a joyful weekend of painting and praise!!
Love and hugs,
YAY!!!!! I am so thrilled that I won!!! Thank you Lea!
Oh Lea ...sounds like a really busy week with all them critters ..Gosh and I get frazzled over the black cat that comes in our yard and try's to eat the birds we feed ..and This week we got another big suprise ..we have a squirrel living in our yard ..Which is odd where we live because squirrels don't live around this area ..it's a sweet suprise ..I'm sure it's having a hay day with the bird seed ..Oh well it's a happy squirrel.
Can't wait to see your makeover. Wish I was there painting with you ..How Fun !!!
Have a Beautiful weekend ..
Hugs ..Sara
I just love the new color, can't wait to see it all done!
Your curtian is really cute nad the paint color heavenly
Did you take pitures of Trent's apartment? Please share if it is appropriate. Really appreciate your creative talents!!!
wow...I almost feel famous. I just saw my little collage.
Did I send you the baby pink roses one......I think that is my favorite so far.
Thinking of you on this Happee Monday!! :o)
Hugs gal!!
I would have surely fallen sucker at the store for some ducks!!!
I'm sorry about your losses...that's awful.
Excited though about your room!!! I thought that was it for a minute!
Did you see my post yet???
I'm off to Louisville for Mama's surgery. Talk to you in a few :)
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