I can hardly believe it's happened. Here we are, at #400. It's been an incredible journey and more than anything I'm amazed at all the wonderful new friends God's placed in my path here in blogdom. How did I get so blessed GOD? !!!
To all of my friends here, I thank you for sharing your life, and walk in faith with me. The time you have visited me, leaving emails, comments, lifting prayers.... well;.... how can I properly thank you?
I can't! I have no words to do yall justice. I've learned so much from many of you, and have felt your prayers and encouragement with all my heart. I love you.. honeys!!
To celebrate this day, I humbly share this little bottle I altered for you. It's filled with micca flakes and prim pearls and the cork is glittered with German glass. All tied off with a little netting and vintage venise lace. A little something "from me... to thee." (Nope, I didn't do the soldering or anything... the bottle was jazzed up already when I bought it!)
Alls you have to do is leave a comment sharing two Godly pearls of wisdom! That's it! Just two things, you'll share with the world, about God. It might be a revelation He showed you,... a life lesson, a favorite scripture... -- ~GOD THINGS!~
You don't have to become a follower of the potting shed, and you don't have to post this on your own blog unless you just want to. It's not about any of that. Let's just give God some glory for all the things He's doing in our lives okay?

To start you off, I'll share my two pearls: (it's so hard to pick just two)
1. Asking Jesus into my heart has changed my life forever!
2. His grace sees me through every single day. I love you Jesus!
Okay yall, now it's your turn! The drawing will be Friday night at 7:00 pm for anyone in the U.S. You don't have to have a blog, but I'll have to beable to contact you if you win okay?
I'm sure there will be room inside the box, for an extra little "surprise." I love surprises don't you?!!!
Let's give God some praise!
Congratulations on your
400th post. That's a lot of writing.
A great give-away.
From my heart to yours,
What a sweet giveaway.
Well...I don't know that I have any "wisdom" really...but I know that I seek God daily...so I will try to share a few things...
1. So often we put God in a box. Think how huge the universe really is. There are stars that are the size of our earth times 1,000! We need to leave our troubles at the feet of He who created us and trust HIM to take care of them...because He loves us! He IS big enough to deal with them...and yet personal enough to love us and carry us through them. What an amazing God we serve! Amen?!
2. My new catch phrase is *Check your heart*. Are you walking the walk or just talking the talk? God doesn't want us to be lukewarm.
Thanks for the sweet giveaway Lea. I am sorry if my pearls aren't much wisdom...but I have to say I am just another daughter of the King...each day striving to learn more and create a more intimate relationship with Him. I could list all the ways I am thankful to Him...but that would take an eternity. :) Have a great week! ;)
O it's absolutely beautiful just as you are.
My two pearls:
1. The Lord has set, made and keeps me FREE and I'm so thankful.
2. I would have fainted by now if I had not believed to see GOD'S GOODNESS in every situation!! He is faithful!!
I am blessed to know you and congratulations! May God continue to be glorified in and through you
I love you.
Congratulations and great idea!!
I love the verse in Ps 34:8
"Taste and see that the Lord is good.Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him".
And my word of wisdom i am currently learning: We cannot receive all the blessings He has in store for us, if we do not slow down and look. Watch for Him in everything, and give Him thanks in everything.
Blessings friend, and again, great job!!!
Barbara Jean
You are so sweet for doing this my friend, I love you bunches. 1) God is bigger than any problem you have. 2) The best exercise is prayer, and faith lifts.
Congrats Lea for an awesome site (and the giveaway) what fun!
1.Nothing can separate ME/you from the love of God, we are MORE than conquerors (Romans 8:37
2. I/we (that are born again) are a new creation!!! I/we are buestiful in his sight through Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!!!! WOOHOO!!! Can I get an AMEN!!!!
Sorry I get excited :-) Happy Happy 400th posting celebration Leah, and to all you other brothe rand sisters for your pearls
Dont know if my comment got posted earlier so I will try again
1. we are more than conquerors through HIM who loved us. So I can leave my big girl panties at the door and lean not onto my own understanding!
2. I am a new creation! Beautiful to my Lord even if I am having a bad hair day! LOL. I can cast off my old self and in Jesus salvation am renewed. Hallelujah!!!!! Can I get an AMEN!!! WHOOHOOO!!!
What fun! What a talent you are to make that stopper (I see you have perfected it!) Wonderful prize :)
Pearl #1...He will never leave me (although He can't be in the presence of darkness or...sin...it is me who turns away...not my Father) Thank you Jesus!
Pearl #2...Jesus paid a debt He didn't owe...because we owed a debt we couldn't pay.
I hate satan!!! Amen :)
Love ya Lea!!!
Lea! Congratulations! I always receive encouragement when I read your blog, thank you!
This is something I have posted on my desk and I read it daily:
EVERYDAY, in some way, the Devil tries to make me feel like Im not worthy of ANYTHING! Money, weight, kids, but you know what? I am learning that every time he does that to me....I can stomp his guts out (a phrase my husband uses) just by verbally telling him to "get lost" and then I start singing praise songs, praying out loud and confirming all the things that He has confidence in me about. I CAN lose weight and be healthy, He does take care of me, He makes a way financially, He takes care of my kids.
And this as well:
CONFESS the things He does for you and the things you KNOW He will do for you...and watch them start happening. I know faith is believing in what you cannot see, but I have found that by confessing the things I SHOULD have faith in, even though my finances are lacking, though I may not have a job and Im not sure what will happen next, I DO KNOW that He knows and He will make a way.
Probably not the pearls of wisdom you were looking for, but for the spiritual journey I have been on the last year, these are daily reminders to me that GOD is good and He takes care of His children....if only we trust and believe.
Have a beautiful day!
Congrats Sis!!
Happy 400th post wowzie LOL !!
I love the giveaway please enter me okay thanks soo much!1 Okay here is mine~~~
Because He lives we can face each tomorrow, knowing Jesus is already there waiting to take us through another day!!!
God is bigger than any problems, obstacles, mountains, or tribualtions that may come our way. Amen
Hugz and holy kisses Lorie
Hi Lea! What a beautiful give away!
My 2 pearls.
1. Human relationships leave gaps, but Jesus FILLS gaps leaving no holes in us.
2. Jesus is perfect. I am a screw up...but God only sees Jesus and thinks I'm worthy. I'm not worthy, except because of Jesus.
Congrats on 400 posts, your words are treasures!
As for wisdom, I'm learning more daily, his grace keeps me strong.
And, I am loved, no matter what.
Be sure to get entered in my giveaway too!
Congratulations on your 400th post!
Two pearls of wisdom, hhhmmm?
1. God uses imperfect people to bring glory to his name--think of Peter, who denied him. It gives me hope that he can use me, too.
2. Never, ever forget that God's love is unfailing and his mercies are new every morning ... God doesn't want me to wake up with all my yesterdays hanging over my head.
DID you make the lid yourself Lea.. it is just too precious..
you are good~!!
WOWOWOW! 400 already? That's super awesome! My two pearls to ad:
1) "Keep it real" because He knows you inside and out anyway.
2) I can never be good enough, do enough or earn my way to Heaven. It is a gift from my Heavenly Father. All I can do is humbly accept it and let Him do the rest.
I love Romans 5:8 where it tells us that 'while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us'...He didn't wait for us to become good enough, 'cause that will never happen. Hallelujah!
Love you friend!
1. Jesus is the ONLY answer to life!
2. Where we spend eternity is a very REAL thing, and we have a choice...heaven or hell.
Hi Lea...
Wow 400 Posts ..you go Girl !!! I have to tell you how I found your blog to begin with ..last year ..I had some graphics work done be Sara of Graphic Pretties ..and I saw you left a comment on her blog about becoming friends ..I loved the name of your blog and of course that drew me in instanty,when I popped in and saw all your wonderful blogs about our Lord Jesus I was instantly hooked. A fellow sister in Christ I had found. Your blog was so Beautiful I just wanted to stare at it forever and everytime you change it up it's so Beautiful. I'm so glad God brought us together !
My two pearls ...
1. Listen to God closely...he's always there ready to guide you..
2. I've learned that there is an equation that works better than any other... MORE of Christ and Less Of Me = A life being lived for Christ..it can't help but be.
Lea I think it is awesome that you are having a giveaway and I love love love your gift... Please excuse me from the giveaway however ..I have so much that I would love to see someone else have this piece of artistic charm brighten their day. I Had to post though..I had to be part of your 400th post my friend. Thank you for stopping in at my blog ..it's always a blessing when you do !!!
Hugs and Blessings ...Sara
Came back by to see you today Sis. I love you girl.
Wow 400 posts! That a lot of words! LOL. Congratulations my friend!!
You are so sweet. I just know you have the gift of giving cause you are always giving something.
Here are my pearls and I know I'm not tossing 'em to any pigs. LOL.
1. God is ALWAYS Faithful.
2. God knows more than I do.
Love you Lea!!
Where have you been? You've missed WFW and TT day. Wish I could enter your giveaway, but I can't -you know why.
Thanks and luv u,
PS If you want to see the car it's in "My Family" video on the left sidebar at the very end.
Congrats on the 400th post Lea, you are a constant inspiration to us all.
WOW!!! Congratulations on your 400th post. My pearls of wisdom is a little bit diffrent just like me!!!!
1. Be careful of what you pray for you just might get something that you don't want or need. Sometimes God gives us our prayer request just to see how we can turn something we just had to have into a learning experinece.
2. There is not one thing that God,a good friend and some m and m's can't get you though.
You are always such an inspiration to us all with your blog!!! My two things I wish to post to your blog. Prayer Focus: People we meet in our daily lives.
Prayer: Giver of all good things, forgive us when we fail to tell others the message of your love and forgiveness, amen.
Thought for the day: God never asks us to do somthing without giving us power for the task.
Blessing for a safe and fabulous weekend, Hubby and me are heading out Sunday to the Longest Yardsale in America, the 650 mile one that runs from Ohio to Alabama, never been so excited about it I am almost to pee my pants, Tootles, Janna
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