Don't you only WISH bathing suits still looked like this??? I know I do!!! This photo tickles me pink. It looks 3 generations to me-and was taken from times past; when it was good n proper for women to "adorn themselves in modest apparel," -- 1 Timothy 2:9
Where did our proper go? That's what I wanna know! The Word is still the same. I don't think we'd stress out buying a new suit, or going to the beach, if they still looked like this today!?

Join Amy Deanne at her 160 Acre Woods to participate in this meme, or visit other wfw picture scriptures.
(I get most of my vintage photos from my friend Irene at Reeneeqs!) Thanks Irene!
This is great. Love old photos.
Those were the days!
Blessings & Happy WFW!
Great verse and picture. I don't even wear a bathing suit anymore. We haven't been anywhere for me to use one except in October every year. My husband and his brothers with their families to to Atantic Beach every October to fish. I usually take books to read or movies to watch or hang out with the other wives. They catch mostly spots which are really good if fixed and eaten right after they are caught. Not sure if we will go this year. My husband does not need to be out in the sun because of a rash that breaks out on his face when he does.
Your right about the types of bathing suits worn today.
I'm not sure God would approve of some of them.
God bless you and give you a good day,
I agree, but I wonder if they could snorkel in that gear. I would be more than happy to try it out. I love the verse that you chose, it is so true! Blessings and holy kisses, dear one!
Hey GIRL! What a fantastic photo and YES...I do wish we still wore suits like that...such dignity:)!!
Love it! I always love dropping by here to see what's going on!!
Hope life is well in the shed:)
I LOVE old pictures! It sure would help one's self-confidence when going to the beach in one of these.
On the other hand, I wonder if these ladies were saying, do you think my ankles look fat?
A very cute picture ~ the verse is great ~
I LOVE it! Modesty reigned!
Wow, how precious!!!
Loved the picture and verse.
And yes I would like those kind of swimsuits.
I've missed stopping by your awesome blog.
Have a blessed day♥
Hi Lea
That was a time with tho's bathing suits....!!
You are right we would not stress-out....but on the other hand we would complain about something else...!!
Love your post hope all is fine in the shed
Take Care and have a beautifull WFW
so true; I watch too many young girls (even my daughers age 6) worry about how fat they are or have no respect for the body God's given them. it makes me sad that the distortion starts so young.
Great WFW!
I love this.
O Lea I like this! And YES bring back those bathing suits girl!
Love the WORD and the photo.
Blessings and love to you.
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