Happy Word Filled Wednesday!
A picture is worth a thousand words, yet God's Word truly "says" it all.
Join Amy Deanne at the 160 Acre Woods if you'd like to participate in sharing a scripture picture today, or to read other wfw posts.
(Thanks for the beautiful photo Irene!!! You're the best!)
So very sweet, love you my dear friend.
Perfect! Lovely photo too!
Beautiful expression of love...His love, how He designed it.
Lovingly with HolyKisses,
That is a wonderfully, loved filled picture...and that verse is perfect with it! Blessings and holy kisses to you!
Your verse is a very good one and the picture shows just what the verse means.
Luv u,
Lea....this photo was made for this verse, I knew you would know just how to use it for God's glory!! I hope you're having a wonderfully blessed day my friend....XXOO
that is so cute!! I love it! :)
very beautiful Lea! You always pick fabulous vintage photos to go with verses!
I hope you're enjoying your summer!
Cute picture for God's Word about love ~
ALoha & Holy Kisses. thank you for the uplifting message. Gods love is THE perfect love of all.
Love your creativity. Mahalo/Thank you Paula
Golly me.....that was a bit adventurous for ye olden days...fancy cuddling in daylight!
Lovely .wfw
Beautiful picture...... Love it is the greatest... without love we are just full of hot air and worthless words......... Love does...... that is hard for people to learn.
Have a blessed Thursday.
So sorry to be late, but I love this!
Great WFW!
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