This morning, we visited a church we'd never been to before. Myguy's friend: Arlis, was giving his testimony and asked if we'd please "come." We made plans; set our alarm; then the alarm on the cellphone; just in case the power went off in the night. Myguy didn't want to miss it for anything and I now know-... it was a divine appointment.
Inside, we found "Arlis." He wasn't used to getting up in front of people, but because of what Jesus did for him; he had somethin to say. ;)
In the Sanctuary, we were greeted by many. Then two familiar faces came in and sat directly in front of us: Jerry and Susan. Years ago, we attended the same church together. In fact, Jerry, Myguy, our two sons, and yours truly- all got baptised together on the same night! We will always have a very special place in our hearts for Bro Jerry- after-all; we were all dunked together! Then; looking up, I saw their son Cory taking his place on stage with his guitar. ;) Where did the time go? He's now 17 years old and playing in the worship team. I was his Sunday school teacher when he was around 7 years old! My heart did a flipflop. The praise and worship music was incredible and I realized... little Corey was "leading" everyone into the courts with praise! I had a hot lump in my throat just thinking about it. I mean.. who knew back then, that the little, red-headed, first grader, staring me in the face would one day be leading everyone... making melody for our Lord, and I'd be clapping and singing along! (GODBUMPS*)!!!!!!!!!
The message preached was in Ephesians 5, and was over walking in wisdom. Afterwards, Arlis got on stage and gave his testimony. Around a year ago, he was in a bad accident, where he found himself hanging upside down from his own seatbelt. Drinking and driving do not mix. He asked God for help, and at the hospital they gave him a 90-some percent chance, that he'd never walk again. Arliss asked the Lord into his heart, hasn't had a drink in almost a year now, and although it was a difficult road to recovery, he's healed and walking! He gave an incredible testimony! The Lord also gave him boldness, and clear words to speak. I just thank God for saving his soul, his life, for healing his spinal cord, and for touchin all our hearts. I know God used him to touch mine.
During supper this evening, I turned on the tv and started listenin to a preacher we'd never heard before. What do you think his sermon was over? Wisdom! ;)
Then at the evening service; back at our church... the message was basically over... loving others,and honesty about our "condition."
"Then Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack He said. "Go sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then, come follow me." Mark 10:21The key words were:
"Then Jesus looked at him and loved him."That brings us back to the whole "love thing!" Love God, your God with your whole heart. Love Him with all that's in you, love Him with all you've got. And also back to loving our neighbors. Is my head spinning?... yes!
When church finished,... another thing happened! A lady approached me and asked if Wednesday I'd do prison ministry with one of the two ladies at church who goes. I've been wondering why everytime I hear them mention it, my heart pounds faster. -- I'm excited and know I'm supposed to be there. Don't know how often they'll ask me to go- but I know the ONE who knows the plans He has for me!*
Yes Lord!!!!
I LOVE listening to testimonies of God's power and glory revealed upon someone's life. yes, Godbumps to happen don't they when we listen, standing in awe over our God's goodness.
Will be praying for your time as you minister to these precious ones in prison ministry.
I love stories like this, so uplifting! I gave birth to 2 preachers, I would of never thought so when they were younger but both are full of the spirit and walk the path, I'm so proud of them!
P.S. the word verification below is "alight".........perfect!!
I treasure days like this! Such a thrill to see God work so amazingly in the heart of Arlis...especially sweet because it meant going back to someplace very special in your heart. How precious that God allowed you to see the guy you taught all those years ago leading worship...thrilling!
As to the prison ministry...what an amazing opportunity! Anxious to hear more about that. God is opening doors left and right, sweet one...truly a testimony to your surrender to Him. Praying for you as you step out and rejoicing in this opportunity...
Love & blessings,
I love ya so and together we love Jesus even more!
So, you're going to prison, huh?... Just think of all the conversations you could start with, "Last week, when I was in prison..." hahaha...okay. Anyway. That truly is wonderful that you are able to go. I have dear friends in another state that run a prison ministry. So many sweet testimonies!
Taught my jr. church kids this week about the loving and serving Him with all our hearts, soul and mind. Even taught 'em a fun song. Have a super day...I've been watching for your email that you twittered me about. ;]
Oh Lea, what a blessed experience!! How delightful that the young man you had in Sunday school was leading worship!! I worked in youth ministry for many years, and often wonder what is going on in the lives of some of those youths.
Prison ministry? How cool! Actually it's not all that new for you Lea. Every lost soul is imprisoned until the Savior comes and sets them free. You and me included. And Arlis...imprisoned to his alcohol.
Praise God for His forgiveness and salvation!! We are free to do whatever He has for us!! What a blessing!!
Thanks so much for sharing these blessings, sweetie!! They really encouraged me!!
Love and hugs,
Oh how exciting!! Isn't it amazing how God leads us to new adventures? We're so blessed!!! What a beautiful and uplifting story, thank you for sharing :D
Wow! What an awesome day you had, sweetie... I'm so glad you shared it with us. I'll be praying for you and the prison ministry for sure!
Such a day of precious experiences my sweet sis, love you.
Oh I am so glad to hear you say you don't wear Thongs/flipflops Lea(:) yeah good girl..
'prison ministry'
that is so cool..
you would be so good at that
an maybe you could do a womens prison??
big hugs, Patty *(:)
You have been a busy little "bee" since I've been gone. Praise God for the salvation and healing of your friend and the boy who was playing the quitar and leading praise and worship. We never know the impact we may have on the lives of others. You may not receive rewards here on earth but you will when you get to Heaven.
From my heart to yours,
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