Sittin here thinking about the crazy weekend we've had so far.... and anxious to go to church in the morning. Our church is celebrating 150 years tomorrow! That's amazing isn't it?
Just imagine all the souls saved.... and lives changed....
We're having a potluck dinner after the service and I made that cherry dessert to take along, only this time I used strawberry filling. Told ya, I couldn't wait to take it to a Potluck! I wasn't kiddin! I made another one for some friends today; and bought ingredients to make a buttermilk chocolate cake for my guys. Been so in the mood to bake it's unreal. Funny how "moods" make us "feel" like doing certain things. When I'm in the mood to clean, watch out! Same for sewing... when that desire hits to sew something, nearly every bit of fabric and lace gets pulled out of totes and onto the floor, as well as lace and buttons. When I'm in the mood to write, I fill page after page in my journal. When I'm in the mood to make jewelry, out comes all the beads. When I'm in the mood to read, I can't put my book down. Tonight... I'm in the mood to go to church, but I have to wait til morning. :( Do you ever get like that? Do you get in a mood for something and can't seem to change gears for anything else? Right now, I'm in the mood to go to church. lol -- "Patience.... learn patience." (yes Momma)
After church, and all the festivities, I'm going to see if we can pull our broken dishwasher out and see what all it's going to take to box in some walls and the floor and then find some pretty fabric and make a little skirt to go across the front on a curtain rod. If only I had a piece of pink roses barkcloth -- that would be perfect. I remember seeing some cutter tablecloths at my friend's antique store. Maybe part of one will be large enough to make a little pantry skirt? She had some cute ones. A couple were Wilendurs with pink in them and I think one was Startex with pink.
I'm thrilled by the visits from all of you. For your thoughts and prayers as well.
Love the new faces on the slide and new followers! I'm soooo happy to meet you! I've made it to some of your blogs and I'm thrilled we've crossed eachother's paths. I'm even going to be taking a class at Sweet Magnolias Online Workshop. I met Sara blogging as well and she's a true blessing. Check out the class if you're interested. She said the more the merrier, and I'd love to be your classmate! It's so much fun learning something new and I want to learn all the tricks to putting photos on fabric.
I'm off to bed.
Have a great sabbath tomorrow.
I hope you too are anxious to go to God's house.
God bless yall!
Holykisses and sweet dreams,
Well, it's Sunday now. Hope your celebration was awesome!!
I know what you mean about "being in the mood". I really like it when I'm in the mood to do something constructive....like clean the house. Because it is SO hard to make myself do it when I'm not in the mood!!
Been very busy lately with graduation, end of school year etc. Hope to get back on track and visit more regularly!
Hope your Sunday has been all you wanted it to be. 100 years old - that is something to celebrate.
Your desserts sounded wonderful.
You are such a busy "little bee" it makes me tired, but then I'm a lot older than you. There was a time when I did a lot of the things you do.
I looked at lifeway.com but could not find pictures other than what looked like clip art. I also noticed the picture that you use for WFW is no longer offered on the ladies websites, it's different and I like yours. Any suggestions. I'm looking forward to doing the WFW. I guess I need to go ahead and sign up.
Blessingssssssssss all day long,
Oh Yummy your cherry dessert(:) ''good girl''
and have a wonderful Sabbath Lea.. I feel so sad for Matt and your neighbors.. sad..
well thanks on the foot/ankle (:) hugs,Patty Oh where are the coffee flowers??LOL
I didn't know your church was celebrating too! Ours had 175 last sunday.
I haven't been able to access your page in a couple of days but I got lucky today, that darn message again? I love the old photo of your church, 150 yrs. old, amazing indeed! I may have to check out that class, is it free?
Happy Sunday Sis!!!
I get like that at times especially when I have an event the next day!!!! Enjoy your day and enjoy the fellowship!!!
Luv Ya Lorie
I pray your church enjoyed its celebration, love you my friend.
I'm always in the mood for too many things!! LOL. I bet you understand that too. :)
Right now I'm in the mood to get everything done and out of the way. I love the feeling of being productive.
I especially need to spend more time at His feet. We started Beth Moore's study on the life of David in my SS class yesterday. I SO need this!
I hope you had a wonderful time of worship yesterday!
Much love my friend!!
I always look forward to Sabbath. And strawberry filling too. That's something to anticipate. :)
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