Sunday, February 21, 2016

A Productive Day, and Heart Pounding Thrill

 Hi friends,

I think I heard today it was 20 degrees above average temperature.  
Since our strawberry bed has had some issues; 
the warm weather gave me gumption to give it some tlc.
When we built the bed; I guess we didn't put near enough dirt in it.  
The plants spread like crazy and made lots of berries last year, but the 
berries were so far down in there that they never got the sunshine they really needed.  
And because it was so low  it looked like a good place for copperheads to hang out.  
So even the berries I could find; well... it was just really creepy sticking your hands down 
in there to even look around.  

Earlier today, Myguy and I ran to town and bought 8 of the largest  bags of miracle grow 
potting soil.  Then while I set about digging out the berry plants and old weed fabric;
Myguy drove to the other shop and used the skidsteer to load two bucketfuls of fill dirt 
to bring home. 
 As I was digging, I happened to turn around and look out over the back pasture
towards the pond.  Something white was up in one of the pine trees. -- A bald eagle! 
I knew my cellphone would never get a shot that far, so made my way for the house 
to get my big camera.  The card was still in the computer so I had to grab that and thankfully
just the day before had put the zoom lens on!  I prayed the whole way, "Please Lord keep it there," as I ran back out the door.  I was almost scared to look at the tree; wondering if I'd be disappointed but
it was still on the same limb!  Yall my heart was pounding so hard.  I plopped down on my butt 
and rested my arms on my knees coz I was shaking so bad. lol  (still praying) "Please Lord let
me get a shot."   Click... click... 
Then I decided to try and get closer so tried to stay behind a treeline to the fence.  Then got a few more in.   

 It then flew out of the tree and swooped down over the pond then made it's way out over our front pasture towards my Mommas olde place.  
Then made it's way back.
Those two shots were not the best but I still love them
coz I can see exactly where he was.  
I wish Myguy would have been here and could have seen it too.  

 It wasn't long and he  drove in with the  load of fill dirt, 
When I finished getting all the plants out he shoveled all the fill in and it helped
so much.  I've not been too impressed with the fabric weed barrier; and thankfully had
a couple bundles of newspapers left over from last year's garden.  Several layers of those
went down over the fill dirt and then the 8 giant bags of potting mix went on top.  

 I looked over to see where my "shadow" went and she'd done  conked out on us.
  Bless her lil heart.  :)  
 It was sooo nice having Myguy help with all the shoveling.
And he doesn't even like strawberries!  

I stayed out there til dark separating replanting and still have a wheel
barrow full of extra plants left.  
 Myguy decided to clean up the motorcycle this evening and went for a little joyride.  
He's hoping we can take it out tomorrow afternoon if it's not raining.  
It's supposed to be 75 degrees again!  

Well I'll leave you with a scripture picture.... 
It was most definitely meant to be.  
Thankyou Lord!  

Sweet dreams yall, 
Love Leaon Mary


Denise said...

very awesome sis.

Anonymous said...

Oh my cookie dough!!!! how amazing for it to be warm enough to get out in the strawberry beds already and not only that but to see a bald eagle too!! It is great that you managed to catch him on camera. Your preparation of the soil should yield a good crop of strawberries. My Mum loved strawberries and we often had them in the summer with cream. The message at church this morning was about preparation and how we are preparing during Lent for Easter.

Thank you for sharing your days Lea, I love my visits to the potting shed. Enjoy the bide ride. Take care. Love ya.

Yolanda said...

This makes my heart happy as I can tell you had a beautiful day.

Fran. said...

I Still love the pic of that bald eagle with the sheep? you took on a trip!! Very cool you saw this one!! I get that way too n with the Bluebirds!! XOXO Love ya Fran.