Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mighty Oliver, Dots Connected, and Hearing

Greetings and Holykisses Yall,

Just a quick post while I'm waiting on my dh to come in from the mechanics shop. I just had to share with you what Oliver did. -Nope; he didn't piddle on anything... and he didn't even find my Valentine slippers again. ........Yall, he protected me! 3 cheers for Oliver!!!! I mean to tell you he was ready to kill whoever it was who was coming into our bedroom. -- It was however my dear husband, but when he figured out it was him, he was okay. You should have seen him fly off the bed and CHARGE that bedroom door. I was so proud of him and have almost forgiven him for peeing on my aprons. *If you're wondering about his side in this picture; that's one of the spots where I thought he had gotten shot when he showed up here. It's healing really well but the hair is growing back dark.
Recently I've started going back to the nursing home again. Some of you knew I took a break from Hospice volunteering. One of my first days back, I had to wait in a hallway for a little while. This woman was in a wheelchair next to me and we started talking. She told me she wanted to go back to her room and asked me to help her get there. I saw an aid and asked where she belonged and she directed me to her room. When I went to leave the sweet woman started crying; put her arms out to hug me and pleaded me not to go. It tore my heart out. I talked with her for a little while longer and then asked her if I can come back to see her... and if I could; would she like some buttercups? She said "Oh yes!!!!"

The next week; when I got ready to go back to the nursing home, I noticed most of my own buttercups were pretty well spent. So I called my neighbor who has gobs of them growing out in her woods. I told my neighbor I was going to the nursing home and asked if she'd mind if I picked a bouquet. She told me to pick all I wanted. :) It was such a pretty walk that day and I picked this very vase of flowers. The pink one was one of my tulips I'd stuck in there. --(My friend Tracy sent me the tulips bulbs for my birthday this past year.) Anyways, I was off to the nursing home. When I found the sweet woman, and gave her the flowers she cried. I wish you could have seen, heard and felt her emotion.

I know nothing about this woman in the nursing home. -I now know her name and that's it. But I know God loves her and I think He grew this bouquet of flowers especially for her. These little things that happen, are helping me to realize how He goes before us and does all these things and makes things happen so perfectly. A really small thing to us can be so easily overlooked and yet when you open your eyes and begin to connect all the dots...well, it just blows me away. I begin to really notice this so much by people He puts in my path. Kind of like how He used Tracy (someone I've never actually met) to send me tulip bulbs that He grew into beautiful flowers. Then one of those beautiful tulips went to another stranger in a nursing home. When you get a little grasp of the big picture, it's pretty overwhelming isn't it? God is so amazing.

I've been really missing the weekly scripture pictures. I drifted away from the meme on Word Filled Wednesdays, but want to try to keep doing them here when God gives me a picture and verse.

The other day I was driving in the back pasture along a fence and came across this old post on the ground. At first glance I knew it was special; so I got out and heaved it into the truck. It's not that long, but really heavy!

I showed yall the area I've started tackling behind the potting shed. Somewhere I'd like to use this post; either for a birdhouse or feeder. But today; ... it became background for this verse. When reading Ann Voscamp's book 1000 Gifts, I became much more aware of "seeing" things I'd been missing. But these days; it's been just as much about "hearing" for me. I want to see what I keep missing, and listen... really listen with all my heart.

Well, my Hubster is back, so time to close for now.
Until we meet again,
sweet dreams,


PCovi said...

That bouquet is really pretty! Someday when I'm in a nursing home...I hope you'll bring me some flowers :)

Sherry said...

Mmmmm. My dear friend. I believe that those are some of thee most beautiful flowers I've ever seen. Knowing that you picked them fresh, plus they were given away in Nothing better than that! What are the white ones that are hanging down? They remind me of Lily of the Valley on steroids. haha. Lily of the Valley are so special to me and always remind me of my great grandmother. I don't ever see any out here in hot dry California. =(

Trace4J said...

How amazing is God! Your flowers are beautiful..
I have been praying for
gentleness..Asking God to help me just slow down in talk and walk..
So I can hear him.
How sweet is Oliver!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

How awesome is that, Mr.Oliver knows he has a good thing and is at least trying to protect it.

You are truly a blessing for sharing your love and flowers with that lady. She will see God's love in you.

Hope your day is blessed in many ways.

Denise said...

Touching hearts is what makes the Father God smile..... I think HIS smile was ear to ear the other day at that Nursing Home......

I am not able to do that, nursing homes..... Tried that a few years ago..... Cried myself to sleep most nights...... sooooooo it is not my calling....... I am glad it is yours...... She is someones little mom or sister or wife .....

You are such a gift to the world....

Yolanda said...

Blessed to know you through blog land, phone calls and treasurers through the mail. You are so uplifting to me and my heart. You encourage me so, in my mundane.

Love you!