Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday ~In EVERYthing Give Thanks~

Greetings and Holykisses,

Another Thursday rollin in. I just can't help but love the routine of Counting blessings and Journaling them every Thursday. Not that we shouldn't every day, but I really like "thankful Thursdays," as they've somehow become.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 "In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

In EVERYthing give thanks. There's good and bad everywhere. Sometimes circumstances stink, sometimes we hurt, we're sad, and have troubles. But even in those times; give thanks.

3 years ago today, my siblings and I lost our Mom. There's a part of me that still wants to feel sorry for Lea today, but instead, I give thanks that we once had the best Momma that God could have ever given us. Today in all things I give thanks.

I'm thankful that I have assurance and know that she's in heaven today. I don't wonder if she "made it" to heaven; she believed and trusted Jesus as her Lord and Saviour and I know I'll see her again.

I'm thankful my son called just to see if I wanted him to bring me some lunch.

I'm thankful for the daffodils that are all ready to bloom; even though the weatherman's calling for a snowy mix tonight. I don't "want" it to snow anymore and I'm more than ready for spring. -- But I give thanks for the daffodil blooms and the hope that Spring really is on it's way.

I'm grateful for my friend who called "just to check on me." ;)

I'm thankful that I get to live on this little farm in Arkansas. I love my quirky life that's surrounded by Ozark mountains. I love sneakin up on armadillos and checkin to see if a possums in the chicken coop at night. I love our pond that's full of catfish and perch.. and croakin bullfrogs. I love biscuits n gravy, beans n cornbread, pickled beets and a side of fried okra! Thank you Lord for our country way of life.

I'm thankful the puddleducks got brave and have made a routine of going to On Dragonfly pond every evening at dusk. They've been doing this for around a week now. I'm thankful the coyotes haven't gotten them and thankful for all their happy -quacking. They're music to my ears!

I'm thankful to have read through another book of the bible; "Luke," and I'm now getting to know "St. John." Reading the gospels; especially this time of year, is growing my faith and making my relationship with Christ even stronger. I'm sooooo thankful of that. I'm amazed how God reveals Himself to me through His word.

I'm thankful for another divine meeting this week. I love how that keeps happening.
I'm just a simple country gal,...with a GREAT BIG GOD! And I'm so thankful for what He does in my life.

Thanks God for being with me... always. Thanks for dying on the cross for me. Thanks for all the blessings you lavish me with.
I love you.



Kristi said...

I didn't realize that today is the heart is heavy for you and I'm praying for you. I am so blessed by you and your amazing blog. May the Great Comforter surround you with His great big arms of love. You are dearly loved!

Unknown said...

Wonderful post and even though we miss our Moms, we celebrate them! She's in good company! Hugs!!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Thanks for the sweet reminder to stop and give thanks. This Ozark farm chicks daffodils have yet to break through our ground. I was a whoppin' 10 in the valley this monr'. Will this winter ever end?

From the hills and hollers of the Missouri Ozarks, ya'll have a wonderfully blessed day!

PCovi said...

Today, really? My daddy's birthday. He would have been 84.
Yes we can surely dwell on the fact we got handed some GREAT people to give us a foundation in life. God is so good!

ArmaWHATos? We don't have those here...I'm scared ta go look...

Jackie said...

My mother passed over 15 years ago, when I was 35. I too feel so blessed to have had HER for my mother. God is so generous in showing how he loves me and one of the ways was allowing me to be the daughter of such a godly woman. What an awesome God we serve and to think all we have to do to hear Him speak is to open His Word. I am looking a dusting of snow, also at daffodils slowly trying to wake up. I am so ready to get back in the garden, that is something I learned from my sweet mommy, the love of perennials. Bless you Lea!

Alleluiabelle said...

Hi Sweet Friend,

I'm with you in missing our moms. I, too, know that my mom is in heaven and we will all meet with each other again...Hey, I bet my mom and your mom are sweetly singing side-by-side in the heavens tonight to our precious Lord. Isn't that a refreshing thought? They've already met and know one another. :)

Love you,

Denise said...

Thinking of you dear sis, and loving you very much.

Yolanda said...

I'm so thankful for you! Three years, three is a beautiful number, and what a beautiful heart that you have to choose to praise and be thankful on a day that could cause a ton of heartache.

Love you!

Irene said...

Lea...., I am so thankful for YOU!!Thank you for reminding to be thankful for the lives of those we love instead of dwelling on their deaths and how much we miss them. I was just thinking about how your Mom is up there maybe laughing and giggling with my oh so fun grandma and all of her sisters! Or maybe strolling over heaven with my beloved grandpa John, and he's smiling at her in that winking way! I see them all sitting around Jesus, surrounded by his glory, his love and his wonderful matchless grace! I can't wait to get there!! XXOO

Sit A Spell said...

Hey sweet friend, just read this today. Prayers and huge hugs to you. I lost my Dad 17 yrs ago at 55, way too young. Ya know, it's still hard after all these yrs.

I finally got your blog on my blog roll! I have tried to add it many times in months past and "something" always happens. (that prince of the power of the airways) However, my GOD is Lord of all and HE reigns.

Love that the Seek you song is here on your blog. It always brings me to a place of worship.

Sure wish I owned a piece of your Ar Ozark mtns...miss the country life style. I love the way you describe it...reminds me of home.

Have a blessed weekend friend...Shell

maxie said...

LOVE YOU MY FOREVER FRIEND. Your mom and my dad up in heaven sharing stories about us. And seeing who can out brag the other one. Oh what a wonderful thought!!!We miss them so much but can you even begin to think about what a wonderful time they are having.

Tracy said...

As always, your posts touch me right in the middle of my heart. Knowing how much you love your Mom, I understand your sadness. Though I couldn't have known her, I know she must have been special beyond measure because of you. I pray the Lord gave you and continues to give you grace when you miss her so.

Your thankful heart despite circumstances never fails to encourage and bless mine. I love you so, dear sister.