Sunday, February 10, 2019

Day Ten I love this medicine....

I love.... 
to laugh. 
Especially the giddy, completely inappropriate kind.  
Often it happens when it's sure NOT the place to laugh.  
But you and usually someone else 
arc this charge that flatout explodes 
into uncontrollable 
bursts of ...the giggles.
You try to stop... 
you force yourself to breathe but
again it rolls out in tears and snorts
and hilarious 
Before you know it --you're roaring.. 
and others are too and by the time you catch your breath.. 
no one really even knows 
what was so funny????
Who knows??... but sure feels awesome.     

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine:
 but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
Proverbs 17:22


Terra said...

That proverb about a merry heart is so true. I just saw a YouTube video of a man reading and laughing out loud on a subway and eventually all the riders joined in, they couldn't help themselves and they had no idea of why he was laughing. I started laughing too; your post reminds me of this.

Jean said...

I recently read an article that said certain Indian hospitals prescribe laughter as a treatment for their patients....isn't that amazing.


Blessings!! :)

Leaon Mary said...

Terra I saw that same video and found myself laughing along as well! Wasn't that something?!!! Jean.. sounds like a good RX to me!!