Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Day 12

Walk in love...
....Journaled thoughts
The other day I ran to the store to get a bunch of groceries. 
It was just one of those days;  
-You know the kind...
It was crowded... full of crabby people and 
about 3/4 way through the store ... I happened to glance down.
I was wearing my "love" hoodie.  
 I felt so convicted.   
Where'd the love go?
Pretty sure it had flown right out the window.  
It was spelled out on  my shirt but 
other than that.. ?????

How many people had I crossed paths with but 
went "before," or turned away from.     
Leaon..  to walk in it girl...
 put it on for real underneath that hoodie.

 And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. 
Col 3:14


Jean said...

Just one of those days! It's easy to do and then we think about it later.

I think also when we are used to peace and quiet and then venture out into the world it can be overwhelming....all these people!!!

Going back to your post about laughter...I remember the video you sent of the granny reading the story of the wonky donkey and how she couldn't stop laughing...that always makes me laugh...too...like a tonic!!!


Artful Gathering said...

Love at all times