Friday, February 26, 2016

A Little Encouragement

Just in case someone out there needs a little boost today.
You are loved!
You are chosen.
You're wonderfully made!
You can do it.
With God all things are possible.
And I'm cheering you on!! 


Anonymous said...

A boost is good Lea, thank you dear friend am cheering YOU on too!! I shall be going out to get some Vitamin D today as the sun is shining although still a bit chilly shall need my ear muffs as we have had frost!!! A horse went past this morning pulling a carriage and I think it's the first time Ghyllie has seen a horse!! He ran up the garden in excitement it was so funny.
Am sending BIG HUGS across the pond. J x

Alice Stocks said...

Hey, girl, long time no see. I noticed you are on Facebook. So am I. I will have to look you up.Alice E.

Denise said...

sending this right back to you sis of my heart, love you.

Debra said...

Yes-I needed it. Thank you!

Denise said...

Thank you!! Same to you!