Saturday, January 16, 2010

Can't Wait Til Tomorrow!

Hey Yall!

Hope you're all having a great weekend; it's almost the Sabbath and I can hardly wait!
I so need to just "be" in God's House tomorrow. I'm just feeling that "need" to .... go! Do you get like that too? ~ I'm ready for a word from God... in His house, ... surrounded by His people. --

Afterwards, we're celebrating Myguy's birthday early. His birthday's the 20th but tomorrow's the best day for everyone to get together. It's funny I told him, since it's not actually gonna be his birthday yet, I thought I'd save his presents until his actual birthday; that way he'd have something to look forward to on his real birthday. Pretty sure I caught a brief look of utter disappointment. heeheehaahaahoohoo! If I remember right, he answered me by saying ..... "O-kayyy????* You know; said with emphasis and a question mark?.... HAHA! I kinda think "he thinks" I haven't gotten him anything yet. (So far I haven't told him different.) What a positively dreadful wife who could torment her husband so. Not to worry. I have it all covered! His presents are wrapped and his very favorite chocolate buttermilk cake is in the oven. Shhhh now don't tell and spoil my surprise okay? He's out workin on his muddin truck, so I'm trying to finish everything up. Speaking of which; I better skidaddle. Still have his "have a hart" card to make. Hopefully I can use enough air freshener and light enough candles before he comes inside that his inner smeller detector won't go off with: "chocolate buttermilk, chocolate buttermilk!" (I love surprises... don't you?)

God's good!
Have a blessed Sabbath!
Holykisses xoxo


Denise said...

God bless you, and your dear husband. Hope he enjoys his birthday celebration. I love you.

Barbara Jean said...

Hi Lea,

thanks for coming by, and have a blessed sabbath yourself.

The nests you asked about.
I made those particular ones out of Allysum plants. We do not pull them up when they are done blooming, but let them dry out and I user them for nests.. Of course now they are soak ding wet because they have been rained on, but still good for nests. Just need to dry out after I make them.
(that may be covered in my mini-nest tutorial.)


barbara jean

Territory Mom said...

Have a great Sunday and happy birthday to your guy. I woke up this morning and thought I need to go to the "Shabby Olde Potting Shed". Sometimes I leave your blog up to listen to your music. You make my day.

Denise said...

skidaddle! skidaddle!... Cannot believe you said that..... You are an old soul my friend. I have not heard that word since my sweet grandmother went to be with the Lord. It really made me smile when I read that.. It brought her face right back to the forefront of my mind,it was a nice pleasant memory this cold foggy morning. It is so wonderful how the Father God uses such a simple little word to remind us that those that we love are alive and well and are very much in our future!

Have a bless Sabbath my old soul friend......

Denise said...

Oh....... I forgot..... I have an award for you over at my place.. :)

From the Heart said...

May God bless you as you give honor to God today and then to your guy. Tell him Happy Birthday.

We went out to eat last night for my youngest daughter's 42nd birthday. It's the neatest place we have discovered. They make everything fresh and even make real home made ice cream. My oldest daughter got to meet my grandson's girlfriend last nght for the first time and really likes her. I knew she would. We had a great time, came back to our house for my birthday daughter's Birthday Cake. She has to have a real birthday cake with the sugar icing. It was pretty. My husband picked it out and a card. He has a knack for picking the most unique cards.

Have a great Sabbath.

Unknown said...

What a sweet thing to do really, surprises are meant to be surprise! Happy birthday to your guy, he's a lucky man!

Attic Clutter said...

chocolate buttermilk cake~~~
Oh I want some right now Lea!!!
Hope your day is a good one..
Love the Sabbath picure..