I hope everyone's having a wonderful weekend!
This takes a bit of courage to show you, because so many of you have fabulous homes, and I'm about to show you our bedroom. Ya see, it's time for a makeover, and Lord knows I need help!
We added onto our house years ago, and never finished our bedroom. You'll see from these photos, that there is not one piece of trim anywhere! We just stopped....! Somehow, our course in life took us to new priorities before finishing this one? One week went by, and then months, and ..... 10 years later, here we still are. Actually, I think it's been longer than that.
Because so many of you decorate beautifully, I'm asking for your help. All opinions and advice are completely welcomed and you'll not hurt my feelings, I promise! Just please keep in mind that money is an issue.... and try to remember that you're at the sHABBy oLdE poTTiNg ShEd! -- not Victoria magazine okay? I've been trying to think of all the things I love... and that's my problem. I love too many styles, ways, and charms. Ecclectic to the bone. Yet... dream of having a shabby chic room. Myguy would be okay with that, I'm sure. In fact this past week, he said something that is really nudging me to make some big changes. I'd given the dogs baths and because one thinks she has to be on the bed, I'd thrown a sheet over the top of the bed so she wouldn't shed on our comforter. The sheet was botanical, and honestly it looked really good!
I hadn't said a word about it and when Myguy came in the room he said, "The bed looks really PRETTY." -- (He meant it.) I replied, "Really?... It's just a sheet." And he said, "Yeah, really... it looks pretty!" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Years ago, when we first got married, my Mil borrowed me a christian book about marriage. I wish I knew the name of it, because I loved it! (Guess what? She found the book! It's called : You Can Be The Wife Of A Happy Husband by Darien B. Cooper 1982) One chapter talked about our bedrooms. The thought was that so many women spend most of their time beautifying their living rooms and kitchens because that's what everyone sees. Yet, the book said, as married women we "ought" to make our bedrooms thee most beautiful room in our homes. Your sanctuary where we come together as man and wife. Isn't that a beautiful thought? A retreat at thee end of the day. Egads.... as you look at these pictures, you'll see that our room is comfortable but... not beautiful! --
The top picture of our bed is my favorite. We have thee best bed in the world. We hate traveling because we miss our bed. After I figure out a color for everything, I want to find thee most beeeeautiful bedding set for it. My hearts desire for it the most is that the covering be large enough. I'm so sick of queen size comforters being too small. So what do you think if I get a King? Plus, I want a white eyelet dust ruffle that actually touches the floor. I really love the L & M also... but maybe I'll need to paint them??? I dunno? Help me!!

Our bedroom is huge. Probably 16x20. This little tv has to be stretched from the wall because now that we're aging we can't see it to read anything from our bed. lol So stretching it out across the floor, means... cords. Yuck!

Of course, Urina Mariah has to stay. She's even wearing my angel Mother's dress.
There are two pictures to the left of my dresser I'd like to keep up. One, is about Mother's that son Tony bought me again, and thee other is a vintage Mother Motto picture that I now collect. The birds and Jesus picture on the right side were my Mom's. Keep up?... Not?? I dunno?
This is my hideous hutch. I was once upon a time in a grunge mode. I know, I know WHAT was I thinking? I kept trying to change it and then gave up. It's thee ugliest hutch on the planet... yet I still like it... it just needs more help. Patty from Attic Clutter has a hutch I adore, so I'm thinking it just needs fresh paint... in soft shabby colors. (Click the link to find it!) The quilt on the top of it was made by my great Grandmother. It's all pastels, and it's the Grandmother's flower garden pattern! I love it... -- it has to stay.

The top of this hutch has everything inside that reminds me of my angel Mother, except for the picture of Mike and I when we got married again. --- I have held on so tightly to my Mother's things..... I know to keep healing I need to put some of them away, and find the ones that I love the most to keep out. She made the ragdoll so I'd love to keep it out somewhere, and the picture of her in the white gown.

I know I hate wallpaper. No wallpaper ever again. It took me forever to take it all down in our living room. -- But I'm all for paint.
I'm ready to make our bedroom thee most beautiful room in our house. I know it won't happen over night, but I'm ready to start. The master bath is connected to our bedroom as well, and unfortunately needs fresh paint as well. It's the same sponge painted grey. :( Ohboy* I want it all to match. I want it to be "pretty!"
It's so strange to me how my tastes have changed over the years. I used to hate pastels. Could not stand them. Now, I love it! At least for this room. A spring makeover; which I hope does not carry into Summer and Autumn; especially of following years!!!!! ;)
Beyond our french doors in the bedroom, is my garden, and our little koi and goldfish pond. We still have concrete blocks that go out from those doors. Myguy talks about building a wrap around porch. I'm hoping this is our year! heehaoaoaoo You should see me carefully step down onto those concrete blocks when my arms are full with the laundry basket, heading to the clothesline. I always worry too, that a snake could be coiled up in one of those blocks, so I find myself "jumping away." So maybe this will be our year to finish up a few project that got left- undone.
Please oh please, fire away with your imaginations, ideas, and decorating skills. I need all the help I can get. Tell me if you like the paint chips I 'm leaning toward. Tell me what on earth to do with that hideous hutch...besides burning it. lololol Do the picture frames need to be the same color? SOS!!!
I have to add one thing. Myguy's not into "decorating, --or worrying about any of it." He looks at things as, "He wants things "HIS" way in his shop.... but the bedroom/ and interior of our house ... well; I could ask him all day long what he thinks and he will not have much of an opinion. He'd say, "If you like it I'll like it." -- Although he'd say that... I don't want it to be too girly ya know?
Inspire me!
Hey Lea! I say go with that inspiration picture. It really looks good and those colors look good with both a brown oak or a cottage white so you would be able to change it up if you wanted to. I love the bead board.
You can easily make a comforter duvet using flat sheets in the pattern you like. You can also make a dust ruffle using a flat sheet the size of the top of the bed and adding the eyelet fabric to three sides of the edges.
That's all I got. Looking forward to seeing the results. :)
hi sweet friend,
what would you say if I said...
I think you have one 'cutie' of a bedroom already :O)
.... but then again, I am not one to really get into decorating :O) ~ I know my daughter will be one to decorate though!! ....
I like your room sweetie.
My whole life...I've dreamt someone somewhere would ask me to help them decorate something. And I'm really old!
What I wouldn't give to kick you out for a few hours and play in there...and let you return and say OOOO AAHHHHH!!!
But for now I guess I'll just say that I'd put the chest of drawers centered under the window LOL!
And that I love your inspiration photo and the color!!!
I like the dresser, the distance shot of it looked nice.
Maybe a contrasting cover for the bed would help a lot to start with.
Have you ever watched House Doctor? I think Ann Maurice's ideas would help on a budget.
It was an interesting point you made about master bedrooms.
I get inspired with the things on ebay labelled shabby. Not sure if it is the same there. I look on www.ebay.com.au
How about finding a colour that matches the furniture. I realised that mine doesn't match each other but a colour would bring everything together. I don't think it is too cluttered. I think Ann Maurice would have something to say about the verticals, though I used to love mine. (We moved.)
Try hanging or holding the picture that is over the desk over the bed instead and see how it looks, and moving the small item that looks tiny against the wall to a different place.
Lea, from reading in between the lines of y9ur post, I say, you already know what you want to achieve with this room and you know in yur own mind excately hoew you want it to look. Go for it, di it, If it feeks right, then it is right. I think the color choice is a good one and I also think the scarf above the blinds would be pretty. Maybe rearrange to the other side of the room for something different. You know your self best. Can't wait to see the redo.
Love ya,
I don't give decorating advice. I struggle with decorating and projects like that.
I like your house AND your talent.
I do like the "inspiration picture".
Good luck with whatever you decide. I've seen some of your work and I know the end results will be terrific.
P.S. I know I haven't emailed in a while. I hope to catch up on that SOON!!
I forgot to comment that I agree how funny it is that we LOVE something and then 10 years later thing WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!
Same thing with wardrobe and hairstyles!
Lea, looks like you need to choose a basic color for your walls and go from there. I like the inspirational picture also and the colors in it. Blue is my favorite color. We live in an apartment and our bedroom is upstairs. It is big enough to have my bedroom furniture, a desk with a turn table on one end where the TV is. I also have a recliner and a rocking chair. Our walls are ivory and the carpet is beige so my other blending colors are dark blue, and burgundy. We looked for a house a few years ago but could never agree on the same thing. We've been here since 1990 and feel very comfortable with what we have. I really like having a bedroom/sitting room. That's where we stay most of the time except when I'm on the computer which is in my other bedroom.
You should go with what you like and don't worry about what others think. You and your guy are the ones living there.
Good luck and look forward to seeing what you do.
I really like your bedroom too. If you only do 2 things, I would
#1 - invest in a really nice comforter/bedding set. (or make one if you can). That would MAKE the whole room, and be the focal point of the room.
#2 - Any furniture that is not the same wood finish as your bed/dresser set, either remove or paint. You have too many finishes going on. (This is what a decorator told me when she visited my house, that is how I know!) She was right. Now we have all the same finish in the family room and it is tons better.
I love your wall paint, but I like sponging, and I love all the pictures too.
The other thing that needs to go is the TV stand. Yup. You could find a old wooden crate and paint it up & make it shabby chic.
Or look around your house (in other rooms) and redecorate by moving stuff from one from to antoher. That really "freshens" stuff up for free! But I do think a nice bedding set would make over your whole room. Try Ebay!
I am going to help you.... sounds fun. I do agree that picture frames needs to be in the same tones. I think you need either silver or gold since there is so much wood tones going on. With the blue you like I think silver... even mixed some jeweled frames with the silver but so they all "marry". I will send you some pictures, etc. I think over your bed you need something bigger and perhaps the letters over to the side... I would make the wall over your bed and the bedding you pick your focal point. I would incorporate larger things.. Perhaps larger lamps and then mix the smaller nic-nacs with the larger. Need to work on that TV... Let me look at the furniture and maybe we can move it around. I saw a couple things I think can be moved to different spots. I like the idea of moving furniture out, paint, then arrange the bed with the new bedding and then introduce the furniture back.... finding new locations. I can see a big old wicker rocker in there!!! If you want shabby then I think it calls for some painted and aged furniture. I like the furniture painted and then the aged process so it isn't so stark. Do you like any old fashion shelves on the wall? Okay, I will write you with some bedding ideas. I think you can use all your items you have and perhaps just buy a GORGEOUS bedding ensemble and maybe something for over the bed and a couple larger "things" likes a lamp. Maybe buy an extra sheet or so to make a valance for over the verticals. Okay, we will talk... if you'd like and I will send you some pictures.
Love you,Janie
I am now so fired up to start this makeover! THANKYOU SO MUCH!!!
Mike and I sat in there thee other night after talking about these ideas and actually "talked" rearranging. Our biggest problem IS THAT TV!!! He really likes having the tv in there. I know that "stand" is awful... and "where" to hide the tv and yet keep the hutch?? I think I really want the hutch to be in there.. and paint it like Pattys. I think I know where I could buy an antique armoire that I could build a shelf in to HIDE the tv. ???
It could be painted shabby white? But then the hutch would look dumb in there wouldn't it? Theres not enough room for everything. ?
Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. It's too funny that you are doing a bedroom post because I have one waiting in the wings! Your room is way big which is good, plenty of opportunity to try and re-try if necessary! Don't get too overwhelmed with everyone's opinions, perhaps do a scrapbook board with all your favorite photo's to keep you on track with colors, design, etc. I love primitive and mid-century modern, go figure...some how I make it work! Good luck!
Lea, Please come to my blog, I have two surprizes for you.
I'd go with the light teal/aqua color you are loving! It's gorgeous!
Paint the furniture all the shabby white or cream you like.
That will pull it all together even though it is different styles.
Frames should all be the same color, as it will pull them together, too. Maybe the same white or cream as your furniture, but a shade lighter or darker.
Patio door: a long piece of lace, or sheer fabric draped across the top and down the corner that does not open. I would get away from as much of the small items sitting around as i could and make it seem a little less cluttered looking.
The cords are easily hidden in a piece of PVC pipe, or they have ready made things at the hardware store for putting all your cords in.
I'd probably work on your room first, before tackling other projects, so you get it completed.
Now that i have offered you suggestions, I need to take my own advice and work on MY bedroom!! =0)
Blessings on your day.
Barbara Jean
If you go with the teal or blue add a large bouquet of dried Hydrangea on the little cabinet and bring in nature. I love birdsnest anywhere. Have a little nature/garden santuary on the cabinet. Spray paint branches the color of your decor, hang on wall and add small framed photos of your children with ribbon attached to the frame. Add a clear vase with rocks and water in it for fresh flowers and place on your night stand. I've been redecorating my bedroom too and just let me tell ya your bedroom looks so neat and organized next to mine. I'm gonna have it for a Project Friday post. Can't wait to see yours when you get it done. Hugs, Rosemarie
What a fun project! Any idea I might have has already been suggested (painting the non-matching furniture creamy white, using bed sheets where possible. I LOVE your inspiration photo as well as your painting that you're using for color selection. I'm with you, cords drive me CRAZY. I'll keep pondering on ideas about what you could do with that tv. Can't wait to see how this progresses. Thanks for sharing!
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