Thursday, April 3, 2014

Recording My Spring In A Garden

Good morning friends,
What a joy it's been this morning 
recording the first days of Spring inside this new 
handmade journal that was created with so much heart and
traveled all the way across the big Pond.  
Jeanie I love it so much... if you're reading here... thankyou!!!

 Each and every page inside is decorated so beautifully.
And she gave so much thought to all the things I really love...
Opening to the first page this morning... 
I begin.  
I hope to record all the beautiful things God shows me 
through nature, blooms, the weather, work, ... 
you get thee idea. 
 As our days warm, I hope to watercolor the things I see.
My friend Cor, had this garden book that is just like 
how I've been telling her I want to learn to paint and document 
my days in the garden.  She mailed it to me and it's such a delight.
I hope I can learn from it... and maybe I'll be adding 
little watercolor snippits to Jeanies journal up above.  
I hope by the end of the season my garden journal  gets fat from  Spring and
Summer around the shabby olde potting shed.
 One of the first things to record 
was today's  tomato intervention.
This flat of tomatoes has grown so tall under the grow lights 
and they're now getting unhappy not having enough dirt.
Today they were carried to the garden and even though I was gentle watering;...
they pitched a fit and threw themselves down on the floor.  
They're in the greenhouse now... to straighten up.
I need to add a little potting soil to their tops today and maybe they'll make it
to transplant date around the 10th.  Any earlier than that and I always regret it. 
I get so gungHo to plant tomatoes and yet....
they don't like it until the soil warms anyways.  
It seems that if I  plant them  too early... it's like taking  ten steps backwards
because they don't  thrive until they feel the heat.  

 The tomatoes I planted in dixie cups are doing much better than 
the other ones.  There's just not enough soil in those tiny flats...
and who wants to transplant them again in a bigger pot before
sticking them in the ground? 
 Not me.  
These are the little  things I live 
and learn.  

Last night I mowed alot.
Accidentally... ran over a couple bachelor buttons 
that reseeded from last year.  
So this morning I grabbed a bucket and started digging up
all the others to 
save their lives.  They were in the danger zone.  
Now they're moved into the garden and are next door neighbors
to Miss Daisy.  

It's soooo balmy out.  
The radar shows this ugly red band headed our way.  
We will be smack dab in the middle of it all unless
it changes course.  
The headline say severe,
and tornadoes possible.
 This too is Spring in Arkansas.
Below is my verse today.

We're trusting God to take care of us.
He IS  our refuge and fortress.

Holykisses, xoxo


rebecca said...

Sweet spring - we take the good with the bad, don't we....trusting and keeping our eyes on Jesus whose eyes are on us :)

What a lovely journal, Lea ♥

Paula said...

Rest well in the protection of a loving most high king! JESUS!

sweetvintageofmine said...

Evening Lea, That's one beautiful garden journal! I'm sure you appreciate such wonderful friends. I love the tray of seedlings growing on the antique sewing machine's too sweet! And may the Lord protect you and your family from harm~~~watch over everything he has given you and blanket you with everlasting peace~~~no fear. In Jesus name~~~Blessings~~~Roxie

Denise said...

Such a beautiful journal.

Anonymous said...

Those little tomato plants look so sweet. It is so good to pop into the shed and seeing what is growing.....thank you for sharing your days. Praying that old storm doesn't come near. Jx

Cora from Hidden Riches said...

How did I miss this post????? I LOVE that journal Jean made!!! I don't think I've ever seen a journal for the garden, though I've heard about them. What a beautiful gift for someone who lives for dirt in her hands. The tomatoes look like they can't wait to do their thing. I can taste those tomato sandwiches already!!!!