Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thankful Thursday 1-6-11

Greetings, Holykisses and happy Thankful Thursday!

Good morning friends!
I decided to take a few minutes today to record a few of my many, many blessings. The first TT post of 2011! A brand new year, .... day 6 already; can you just believe that?! My devotionals are dated and when it occurred to me that it's been almost a whole week already into 2011, I nearly flipped. In part, it's because I committed to read the bible all the way through again and I haven't hit a lick yet. Not because I didn't want to but my new Christmas bible has been on "order" and hadn't come in yet. And it's the one I want to use this year, so I have catching up to do. Thankfully the book store called and today I get to go pick it up! So my new bible can be the first blessing to randomly list today! So here we go....

Random blessings for the first week of the new year!
1. My new parallel bible! I can hardly wait to read through the word this year using two new
translations: Amplified, and New King James version! Thank you
Mil and Fil... I can't wait to go pick it up and start reading.
And Thank YOU Lord... I know every good and perfect gift
comes from above. Oh how I love your word!

2. I'm thankful for the surprise visit from our Tony just out of the blue!
Thank you Lord for our two boys who enrich our lives with hugs and so much laughter.

3. I'm thankful for Myguy and that I got to witness from a window this week while
he helped a very frail,... little- old- man up into his big truck to drive him home. It was such
a small thing and yet... I think I fell in love with Myguy all over again.

4. I'm thankful for Miss "I" in the nursing home, who prayed a
blessing for my Mil and me. I've been actually feeling it all week long!
God's using her to teach me that we're never too old to be used by Him, and
to be BOLD in my faith!

5. I'm thankful for our warm, old house. While driving through a swanky neighborhood
thee other day, we passed a fancy house and conversation began about what it might
be like to live there. I think some thought it would be grand, but I realized how incredibly happy
I am right where God has me. Thank you Lord for our happy home.

6. I'm thankful for my health and the health of my family.
So many people have serious ailments and I'm just so thankful for good health.
I know it's something I take too for granted. Thank you Lord for giving me a love
of walking for exercise and for
making me strong in you. Thank you for teaching
me to be more mindful of healthy foods and to realize they're fuel for my temple.

7. I'm thankful most of all for my Lord and Savior who died for me and who's given me
new life in Him.
Thank you Lord.



Rebecca said...

Your thankfulness triggered so MUCH in me! I really like that one about the woman at the nursing home praying blessing for you and your MIL. Also,the healthy body & ♥ for walking. Keep "thanking", & God bless you and His WORD in you in 2011.

Unknown said...

Tell me more about you new Christmas bible?

From the Heart said...

Great thankfuls for TT. You are such a blessing and encourager and for that I thank God for getting to know you. When I put my tree up this year there was the key to the Pottingshed you sent me last year and it went on my tree this year also.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

We all have so much to be thankful for as we know the lord, that in itself should bring us joy. I know folks in low income run down houses with the walls falling in around them. One would think they would be sad and fearful of the future. But they have such joy in the lord.

We are all thankful of your postings and your love for the lord. I sure hope you new bible comes soon and we hear the crackling of the new pages.

God Bless you all.

Yolanda said...

Very beautiful, and I love the old sweet cards you've inserted, Would you happen to have one for "peace"? If so, would you email me a picture of it, when you have time? Thanks!


Walk In Truth said...

Hi Lea,

I loved reading your post. I love the part when you said;
"I think I fell in love with Myguy all over again. "

Thank you for sharing & God bless your day

ozjane said...

Oh are going to cost me money. I love using a Thompsons chain reference Bible and have the original KJV that I was given by my Church when I went to Bible College and I treasure it. I bought an NIV and hated it so have given it away as I had bought a NKJV...but apart from the fact that I have spilt coffee on it and some pages stick and tear..I have read it through a few times and would like to start something new and thought of my Amplified but a parallel as you have described it is going to tempt me. And I have said I do not need more bibles......sobs.
I have an over 1000 posts giveaway....come visit.

PCovi said...
I'm singing over here! Sing w/me!

Denise said...

Hello my friend.. Thought I had better get over here and find our how you are........ time is passing so fast it is frightful....... I started a journal the first day of this year and I got to Jan 4th.. I am behind..... That is one thing that I am praying about..... I need to be more disciplined! I need to learn to manage my time a bit better.. seems I work all day but I do not get much done......

Have a blessed week......