Friday, July 2, 2010

Father Bless Me Indeed

Greetings and Holykisses,

4 o'clock was a little earlier than I usually get up. Actually; alot earlier!
I tried to close my eyes and drift back to dreamland, but .... it didn't happen. So I knew it was time to just get up and see what God had for me today.

My daily read- through is still in the book of Numbers. After that; I began reading and preparing for the Ruth study, then an Elizabeth George book and then my devotional. I'm so glad I got up! It was a very enlightening morning even though the sun had yet to rise.

First, Numbers 29, and 30 had me pondering my own vows and commitments unto the Lord.
Do your vows and commitments always stand? Sure wish I could say mine always do, but they don't. Then I read in Quiet Confidence For A Woman's Heart, about a challenge that was given at a seminar:

Taking a 3x5 card and writing the 4 A's.
Any thing
Any where
Any time
At any cost.

Will I follow God, and do anything He asks me to? Go anywhere He leads me? At any time He leads me, no matter what the cost?

The idea to focus on this commitment is to prayerfully sign and date the card.
It reminds me so much of a card I used to see on my angel Mother's refrigerator. On a card just like this, she wrote in permanent marker: USE ME OH Lord.

Vowing my commitment... and in some cases re-commitments... I signed and dated my card this morning.

Just as the Lord woke me early today; and I actually got out of bed; I'm noticing changes. Not just around me but in me? I feel like I'm being stretched a little. And I want more than anything to follow God and do whatever He asks me to do even if that means stepping out of my comfort zone.

My husband took this picture of me recently while I was brush hogging our front pasture. A brush hog is basically a very powerful and dangerous mower deck that you pull behind a tractor.
I used to love to brush hog! But one day, I hit a rock that came flying out from under the brush hog. Somehow, it bounced off the tire and hit me in the face. It really hurt. I think I actually cried,... but it could have been so much worse.* ......Climbing back on and facing my fears really took me out of my comfort zone.

As I made round after round in the pasture, I began to notice something. I kept spotting field mice and one rabbit running away from the tractor. They kept trying to stay in the tall grass of the circle that I had yet to mow. Little by little their comfort zone got smaller and smaller. They were afraid to venture into the open expanse; wanting to stay in the tall grass they were comfortable in. On my last round they were pushed beyond. In a leap they crossed into a freshly cut, beautiful meadow. It was as if their little world just opened up before them. The only thing they had to do was make that first commitment and go with it. Take the first step. A little leap of faith.

A few years ago, I learned the prayer of Jabez. 1 Chronicles 4:10 says, "And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested."

I'm making Jabez's prayer mine today.
Committing the 4 A's.
At any cost.

Have a wonderful day!
Holykisses xoxo


Denise said...

I love you my amazng sis.

GodsOwn/Bernice said...

The 4 A's that is good to remember and commited to do.....
I bookmarked the song also...

Have an great week